Star Wars will never be saved. KK to stay forever!!“MCU to "Refocus”

12 Oct 2006
Well well well.

With pretty big rumours that Disney + has performed horribly and spendings has skyrocketed and Bob getting the sack because of it (the fall guy) seems Disney are starting to panic. /shock face

Most on here have been saying that recent content is crap and subpar at least. Turns out we could be right after all.

With films failing at the box office and Disney taking a strong political stance which shows in their content. It's starting to have a negative effect on their business. (Flat out attacking customer's doesn't help)

The MCU is now in their sights.

Be interesting to watch. David at WB has already started a massive restructuring and manged to steal James Gunn.

Problem is its Bob Iger back again. Hes the one that set up this mess in the first place lol but in his recent interview it certainly seems if they want to tone down their stance on a few issues.

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Surprise surprise.

Get rid of Kathleen should be the first priority.
If she survives the new Indy film then it's pretty much all confirmed. That she has some shady info/proof on the Hollywood elite and she is blackmailing them hah

Aren't their operating costs running at a loss compared to previous years as per their q3 earnings reports, although revenue is up.
Their parks are doing well after covid. I believe they are also trying to repair their relationship with the state after the "don't say gay bill" drama.
yeah, I was talking more D+ not the theme parks and merch etc. I believe the losses with D+ are why Chapek 'resresigned'
I believe he wasn't very forthcoming on the Disney + spending then trying to recover costs by flogging their content to other content providers helped him out the door.
Just looked it up, Disney+ has 164m subscribers to Netflix's 222m. That's incredible given how recently Disney+ entered the market and the fact it has a much smaller global reach than Netflix. Netflix had a net income of $5bn in 2021, I can't believe that Disney+ isn't in a good place to turn a profit even if it isn't already.
1.5 Billion losses

Sorry to break to you guys, i don't think anything is going to change content-wise unless they sack the Disney Writers and replace them with less woke writers.

Ones like Latoya Raveneau have an open LGBTQ+ agenda:

She and ones like her need to go
With Iger back can't see them changing too much probably just tone it down.

Watch his Disney expo interview. He confirms as much.

They have been turning out trash since Endgame.

Hopefully with the switch to "quality over quantity" stated in the article there be half decent content in a few years.

At the minute the MCU is directionless.
But, from your own link:

"We expect our DTC operating losses to narrow going forward and Disney+ will still achieve profitability in fiscal 2024," said Chief Executive Robert Chapek. "Assuming we do not see a meaningful shift in the economic climate."​

So, as I said, it's in a good place to turn a profit.
Chapek was also about to start mass layoffs before he was ousted.

Iger seems to be going after content to cut costs there.
What is this in reference to?
Where have you been? They have constantly attacked fans calling then racist, homophobic and anything they can think of to deflect criticism.

The worst I seen was a Lucas writer openly mock a cancer surviver crying at Luke Skywalkers return in Mando.
Hammers and Nails

There's defiantly more good than bad. All but the last episode of Obi-Wan and the first half of The Book of Bobba Fett you can call legitimately bad
It had two decent Mando episodes in it.

The final was hideous.
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Wonder which projects will actually get cancelled hah

Have a feeling it won't be long till they start pulling in X-Men to try and get peope interested.
Disney past two animated movies both 2022

Buzz Lightyear (June 2022) - Pimped by the media because of it's first gay kiss (also a bit of Tim Allan drama)

200m budget. Box office 220m well thats a 100m+ loss

Strange worlds (Nov 2022) - Pimped and praised by the media for having the first openly gay character or something. - yup heading for a triple figure loss there also.

yes it's just the economy.

Minions the rise of gru (Jul 2022)
80m budget. Wonder if this made a loss?

Nah just under 1billion taken at the box office. (920m)

Even the Film the Bad guys did better than Lightyear.
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Has Rogue Squadron been canned?

Right we are slightly going off topic.

Seen this last week that Chris Hemsworth is flat out against working with Waititi again. Hates the way his Character has been portrayed in the past two films.

Typical Disney stuff tho. Make the Lead white male the butt of all jokes instead of elevating other characters to his level.

I thought he was just taking time off for the foreseeable future after finding out he has a higher than normal risk of developing Alzheimer's?
The VF interview is a pretty good read.

Seems he's open to returning if the material is right
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