Star Wars will never be saved. KK to stay forever!!“MCU to "Refocus”

Disney really are a vile company.

All racism is bad. Yet according to Disney, racism against white males is fine.

Not quite sure how this is legal.
it’s not but I believe the guy in the video is actually explains that they use Buzz words to skirt around it.

They basically turned some of the biggest brands and IP’s into platforms. It’s their goal after all. They know they ain’t got the talent anymore because they have to hire on other attributes so sit back and rake in that DEI money from black rock and vanguard etc.

You still get the odd peanut in the biggest pile of dog **** ever seen tho.
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Some leaked information. Not good for the house of mouse.

Agatha All Along being marketed as "The gayest Marvel evaaaaaar". Oh and of course Witches are now "inherently queer". :D

I can't wait!

You can now assume two things will almost complete certainty.

1. It will be ****.

2. No-one will watch it.

Right So lesbian Space witches dint work out so lets just try normal lesbian witches
I have no issue with race, gender changes and what many men (in particular) seem to moan about.
Its more that a lot of recent films are just bad. Especially Disney stuff.
Have you seen Disney staff? Have you seen the writing rooms?

The defence on here over the last few years have been no the films aren’t bad it’s just you then all the isms gets threw about.

Now people have switched to the films are just poorly written there is no agenda.

The writing rooms are full of activists that never earned the job and just have “right think”

There’s photos from people writing booths with photos of Luke Skywalker zero out. Gota tear down all the old hero’s because we can’t write decent and interesting ones that can compete.

There’s quota’s to hit to get funding off certain investors and more money into their retirement funds.

Same as the games industry. Most of these studios hire activist organisations to come on board and advise.

Yup the writing certainly is poor when you got Blue haired land whales and women that smell of cats **** doing the writing!!
At first I did like the marvel/star wars movies and shows but they released way to damn many. I don't have enough free time to watch them all. At first I tried watching them all after a while I started to miss a show or movie but now I haven't watched anything marvel or star wars relented in over year and a half. I'm sure Disney have more than made the money they spent on purchasing star wars and mavel, but they have killed the franchise for me.
Last I seen that haven’t turned a profit yet on Star Wars
I'm genuinely surprised by that, I just assumed they would have made back the money they spent by now.
:D at this rate probably never!!

One of my daughters is at university studying filmmaking. My fault I brought her up with a love of film!!

She has been tasked to write a script. She’s a horror fan. Last time we spoke she was getting forced to make the script “woke” that’s her own terms.

Yes, she dyed her hair blue in the first year (I started to panic!!). No she’s not a land whale!

Luckily enough she’s pretty strong minded and was complaining about how she was getting forced to inject “woke elements” into her film. She might just make it out of university semi normal!!
I never got around to finishing off the last season of the punisher. They all got removed from Netflix didn't they?
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