Star Wars will never be saved. KK to stay forever!!“MCU to "Refocus”

With Iger back can't see them changing too much probably just tone it down.

Watch his Disney expo interview. He confirms as much.

They have been turning out trash since Endgame.

Hopefully with the switch to "quality over quantity" stated in the article there be half decent content in a few years.

At the minute the MCU is directionless.

Quite right, all this wokeness started under his watch don't forget. Churning out trash Like Captian Marvel etc. (which I skipped buying) but it all went downhill after the last Spider-Man film after EndGame
Sorry to break to you guys, i don't think anything is going to change content-wise unless they sack the Disney Writers and replace them with less woke writers.

Ones like Latoya Raveneau have an open LGBTQ+ agenda:

She and ones like her need to go

Not going to happen as quickly as it needs to, Disney will be too afraid to do anything due to the twitter/woke/lgbt backlash and negative press, it won't happen until the numbers come as the multiple tv shows/films absolutely flop and they make a significant loss.

Then these people will be replaced not on the grounds they are idiots with an idiotic ideology, but because they are just bad at their job.
What I'm getting from some of the posts above is to 'fix' their problems, Disney need to sack all of their left wing/woke writers and employ right wing writers instead. Hopefully Disney aren't that dumb.

Actually what they really want is for the people to do their jobs without trying to push a political agenda on the audience.

When I go to see a movie I go to be entertained not lectured on pronouns or gender identity, I personally couldn't give a crap what other people think they are and I'm not going to acknowledge their delusion.
Sorry to break to you guys, i don't think anything is going to change content-wise unless they sack the Disney Writers and replace them with less woke writers.

Ones like Latoya Raveneau have an open LGBTQ+ agenda:

She and ones like her need to go

I don't think that the writers should be sacked just for having an LGBTQ+ agenda, I think they should be sacked solely for being crap writers instead, because there was plenty of really good LGBTQ+ films/TV shows written by good writers over the past decades (Broke-Back Mountain, Will and Grace etc to name just a tiny few of the huge number) with no-one complaining about "the agenda" back then.

The problem is that these are utterly crap writers who've been put into a position that they haven't earned by the quality of the their writing but by ticking a box, thats the issue that needs to stop.
Quite right, all this wokeness started under his watch don't forget. Churning out trash Like Captian Marvel etc. (which I skipped buying) but it all went downhill after the last Spider-Man film after EndGame
Ah so you're calling it trash having never watched it...

Captain marvel wasn't the best of the Marvel films but it was definitely no worse than many of the others that were showing before end game and most of the complaints about it could have easily been applied to most of the other "introducing your new hero" ones.

I think the big problem disney have with the later/newest marvel films, and much of the star wars stuff compared to the early to end games marvel stuff is fairly simple.

They've not had a clear plan for it, unlike most of the Marvel films up to Endgame where they had a rough timeline and set of stories they were going to tell, and gave the directors some lee way within that, the newest stuff seems to not have had that level of planning (and indeed for Star wars it seems they had no coherent story in mind for the last 3 films), and at the same time they've been throwing out so much content that needs you to keep track of multiple other films (and now series) that people are getting fed up of it and not necessarily watching everything so are running into issues keeping up with what they do want to watch.
Ah so you're calling it trash having never watched it...
Yikes, first of all, reading fail, I said I skipped buying it, not skipped watching it, I saw it all, including the cringe inducing cut scenes.
Captain marvel wasn't the best of the Marvel films but it was definitely no worse than many of the others that were showing before end game and most of the complaints about it could have easily been applied to most of the other "introducing your new hero" ones.
The only one I would say that was worse was Iron Man 2, at least CM has SLJ which saved it from being the very worse MCU movie. Yes even Dark World was better than this one
I think the big problem disney have with the later/newest marvel films, and much of the star wars stuff compared to the early to end games marvel stuff is fairly simple.
Agreed, but despite them royally screwing up the movies (I do have a lot of love for Rouge One) they're absolutely killing it on the TV Series front (with the exception of Obi Wan)
They've not had a clear plan for it, unlike most of the Marvel films up to Endgame where they had a rough timeline and set of stories they were going to tell, and gave the directors some lee way within that, the newest stuff seems to not have had that level of planning (and indeed for Star wars it seems they had no coherent story in mind for the last 3 films), and at the same time they've been throwing out so much content that needs you to keep track of multiple other films (and now series) that people are getting fed up of it and not necessarily watching everything so are running into issues keeping up with what they do want to watch.
Yes, it's part over saturation. Churning out TV series and movies at the same time it started to blurr into one and the films didn't feel special anymore, it was just an extension of the TV series. They should have stopped releasing movies during the pandemic and waited for lockdown to end so that movie goers are hungry for more. But also the whole phase seems aimless, they should have introduce the big bad by now and if it's Krang then it's going to be a damp squib compared to Thanos, we should be having someone like Galaticus
What I'm getting from some of the posts above is to 'fix' their problems, Disney need to sack all of their left wing/woke writers and employ right wing writers instead. Hopefully Disney aren't that dumb.

This seems to be a common retort to anyone suggesting that focussing on woke politics to the detriment of a show is a bad thing. I have seen very few actual comments on here suggesting that people aren't OK with gay characters, queer culture or anything similar. What people are sick of is getting a bang average film/tv show with poorly shoehorned "woke" themes in them and then being told that they are toxic fans for daring to question if perhaps the show writers, producers etc could have focussed more on the story and make a good piece of media than on their personal politics.

If you hire people in any way because of their strong views on an issue, don't be surprised if they then put those things into whatever they are working on. If you are hiring writers for any other reason than they are the best writers then you will probably get people complaining when your writing isn't good after you threw hundreds of millions of dollars at something.

Its all part of the game and part of marketing these days to bait the older fans before launch. Try and provoke them. Belittle them and basically set yourself up to be able to brush off any legitimate criticism of your film or show but unsurprisingly the people who buy into that aren't actually the overwhelming majority and people are starting to see through it.

I would suggest that a lot of the best writers are left wing. They just appreciate that good writing comes before everything else.
Captain marvel wasn't the best of the Marvel films but it was definitely no worse than many of the others that were showing before end game and most of the complaints about it could have easily been applied to most of the other "introducing your new hero" ones.
captain marvel was the worst pre endgame marvel movie imo
Actually what they really want is for the people to do their jobs without trying to push a political agenda on the audience.

When I go to see a movie I go to be entertained not lectured on pronouns or gender identity, I personally couldn't give a crap what other people think they are and I'm not going to acknowledge their delusion.

Exactly, what you want is to stick to nice proper white, hetero superheroes. None of that woke stuff. Tony Stark being into Pepper? Fine. Ant Man being into Wasp? Fine. America Chavez having lesbian parents that appear for like 30 seconds? ALARM BELLS WOKE
Some people see inclusion as an agenda when the reality is it's just representation, which in itself is a bigoted view. They feel that seeing an LGBT character is it being forced upon them.

That said, there are clearly examples of over representation and that is an issue as it can be a bit of a distraction from the actual content as the focus isn't there.
Some people see inclusion as an agenda when the reality is it's just representation, which in itself is a bigoted view. They feel that seeing an LGBT character is it being forced upon them.

That said, there are clearly examples of over representation and that is an issue as it can be a bit of a distraction from the actual content as the focus isn't there.

I agree with the top part of your post not found the bottom half to be an issue. If its a good film its good. If its bad its bad.
How many of the 'woke agenda' brigade have seen My Beautiful Laundrette? Or the Crying Game?

This 'woke agenda' stuff as they call it has been around for decades.

Christ Crying Game is 30 years old and My Beautiful Laundrette is from 1985.
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I don't think that the writers should be sacked just for having an LGBTQ+ agenda, I think they should be sacked solely for being crap writers instead, because there was plenty of really good LGBTQ+ films/TV shows written by good writers over the past decades (Broke-Back Mountain, Will and Grace etc to name just a tiny few of the huge number) with no-one complaining about "the agenda" back then.

The problem is that these are utterly crap writers who've been put into a position that they haven't earned by the quality of the their writing but by ticking a box, thats the issue that needs to stop.

Because the agenda wasn't pushed to children, no child movie/show should have some sort of 'agenda'.
What is this in reference to?

Film and TV studios strongly pushing the diversity of their film or show instead of promoting the actual film on its merits. Accusing fans of being racist, sexist etc because you have written an awful character or your film/show is crap and people criticise any of the characters that aren't white men.

Basically deflecting from the quality of what they have produced by attacking the fans for being the problem rather than the film or tv show. Because it couldn't possibly be anything but bigotry that caused people to be critical of what you made, could it?
What is this in reference to?

Film and TV studios strongly pushing the diversity of their film or show instead of promoting the actual film on its merits. Accusing fans of being racist, sexist etc because you have written an awful character or your film/show is crap and people criticise any of the characters that aren't white men.

Basically deflecting from the quality of what they have produced by attacking the fans for being the problem rather than the film or tv show. Because it couldn't possibly be anything but bigotry that caused people to be critical of what you made, could it?

Nailed it.
Forcing woke agendas on then silly.
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