Started war with neighbours

thats the thing she is claiming its a private b&b rather than a dss hostel but we know it is cause some of the folk staying there told us. plus what kind of b&b makes you sign an three page contract.

i just wandering what kind of scam she's up to.
Report the whole situation (with photo, video evidence) to your local council.
Keep a log of events.
Get other householders in the vacinity to sign a petition demanding resolves.
If that doesn't work use the OC methods:
Kill them with fire!
a lot of these people, if they are as you describe, are likely to have little or nothing to lose. Don't give them any grief in the macho man sense, you'll certainly come off worse. Stick to the lawful means of gathering evidence that they should not be in your neighbourhood then make lots of complaints to the council and police. Rally the entire street behind to :)
im just wandering what she's up to.

im not worried about individual guests they don't stay too long often just a month or so until one of them gets complained about. and this one was a stupid kid.

im reaconing she's running a vat scam on the whole thing, this is her income she does nothing else, surely she should be declared as a small buisness and be paying vat on all her earnings.

hey what can i say about my neighbour the boy done good, worked hard and made his money but i sure as hell wouldn't get on the wrong side of him.
ferretmaster said:
You started a war with Paul Robinson now he is one of the most dangerous neighbours. Why do people never pick the easy ones like Conor, he can be pushed around and hidden in car trunks.

lol :D

You don't think its psycho Harold Bishop that's causing this mayhem?
Mattius, if you think that contact the Inland Revenue and Customs, they are the ones to deal with tax/VAT related stuff and they don't play nice if they think someone is trying to screw the system ;)
thanks for the link on the cameras, sent my dad the link, i think he'll be up for the cctv due to the amount of valuable cars he has. just a shame all this has kicked off the day he flew back to moscow.

anyone know if this cuts down your home insurance premium if you have cctv fitted.
hyper_piper45 said:
Excuse my ignorance but what is a 'dss hostel'?

Department of Social Security, as far as I understand the original post it is where those who are homeless etc get to stay.

No, Mattius I don't think it cuts home insurance premiums, sorry :)
Burn them with fire!!!

Or alternatively, just sit steady and wait and see what they do. If they decide to cause criminal damage... call the po-lice. Get evidence first, like video or something.

That'd be best.

Unless you got a tactical nuke and a ship waiting in high orbit...
Edinburgh Antisocial Behaviour Investigation Team

Talk to these guys, they're the sister organisation to the one I work for in Camden.

The CCTV stuff is a good idea, but if you contact these guys first then they may well sort it for you.

Good luck!

[edit]Be sure to get everyone in the street to contact them as well... If one person complains it's an annoyance, if many people complain then it's a problem and as such should be dealt with[/edit]
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