Started WoW Again

26 Mar 2006
United Kingdom
Hey all,

I've started WoW again, and I'm currently a level 16 rogue, and I'm using Zygors In game levelling guide to level. However, I'm finding it slower, maybe because I'm a rogue and it's slow the first levels?

I've levelled a hunter before to 70, and it didn't take long. I'm planning on getting 2levels a day from level 20 forward, as I have other responsibilities. Maybe when I hit 60 to 70, 2levels a day will be hard.

Could any of you guys give me some tips? I get bored and it kind of puts me off playing, basically just forcing myself to get to 70, and get pvp gear as that's where I enjoy playing the most.

Not really sure what tips you're looking for? Leveling can be boring but it is a means to an end.

Try looking at Jame's (free) or Joana's (horde)/Brian Kopp's (alliance) if you fancy paying for it as they will be faster.

Other than that just make sure you don't die, do quests in a decent order, have a bank alt to save you running to the AH/bank and you'll be leveling relatively quickly.
Rogue gets good at lvl 20 as the poison really helps to speed things up. Maybe get some +str buffs on your weapons or items. Remeber to use stealth ALL THE TIME and make the 1st attack count for lots of damage.

Other than that, get bandaging, use pots, even the little +str pots help and away you go.

If your on daggerspine, give us a shout at the weekend.
Thanks for the input. I'm on Trollbane. I do carry bandages/food, just weapons suck at such a low level, I'm using combat swords for levelling.
Plus, how boring would it be to already have most things, and not having experienced achieving it all yourself... Woo!!! :rolleyes:

Vita: Persevere, get a crap load of + agi/AP gear. Spec combat and use swords, and watch yourself fly up the levels. Also, use Leatherworking/skinning as your professions, then specialise into Elemental Leatherworking later on and you'll get some awesome legs at level 45 which wont be changed till 58+ :)
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Me too :)
Finaly rolled a Hunter (first time back to alliance for 2yrs).

I have stayed away from rolling one for exactly the comments like" Huntards" :rolleyes:
Since its the last class I have not played thought I would give it a go, and its not bad - better then lock for lvling IMO.
Fastest lvling class I found was Mage, yet I had the most fun lvling by far with my rouge. (sic) ;)
Well go to the character select menu, chose delete then :p

Selling wow accounts is illegal so can't really be talked about on OCUK forums...

its not illegal just against blizzard TOS which states that blizzard has a right to disable accounts they think have been traded/sold
Ok great, but as I don't know if it's against forum policy or not, as i've seen others hint at selling theirs. Anyway, i've now removed my post.
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Gamersloot don't sell accounts, though. They sell CDKeys.

It is most definitely NOT illegal to sell your WoW account as long as you make it clear you are only being paid for the time spent on the account (to achieve whatever level) and not the actual intellectual property which remains Blizzard's.
go combat spec to level, gather mobs, pop cooldowns, watch them die under swords. PVP is up to you, but generally its shadowstep build
I quit, I couldn't be botherd :(. Plus some stuff's come up which won't give me much time to play.

Thanks for the help though guys.
overall the best choice hehe

Lol, some people won't be happy. Just, I feel as I won't be able to play the game to enjoy it, as I'll be busy from now and with Uni around the corner. I do at times miss it though, and get that urge to play. However, once played it just doesn't cut it for me anymore. And levelling from 1-70 is just a pain.
Staying away mate from wow is the best advise!! It ruins lifes! :p I've just received a scroll of ressurection after a 7 month break. I've not missed it at all really - Same old!!
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