Started WoW Again

once u get over 20 you can pretty much kill non stop, you should take hardly any damage when fighting but have some food with you to get full hp quickly.

if your following a guide, play wow in window mode then you can have the guide side by side, it can save loads of time when ** flicking back and forth working out where to go.


I quit, I couldn't be botherd :(. Plus some stuff's come up which won't give me much time to play.

Thanks for the help though guys.

Had the guide in game, one of those new ones. Anyway, uninstalled WoW, seriously can't be botherd, as I won't have time now.
Shame really - with the XP buff from 20-60, you level very quickly these days. Once you hit Outland, you can do a level a day easily if you keep some rested XP.
Me too :)
Finaly rolled a Hunter (first time back to alliance for 2yrs).

I have stayed away from rolling one for exactly the comments like" Huntards" :rolleyes:

Congrats, it's now your solemn duty to claim every weapon, no matter if you can use it or not is a "Hunter weapon" and roll need for it.:p
Congrats, it's now your solemn duty to claim every weapon, no matter if you can use it or not is a "Hunter weapon" and roll need for it.:p

well I just learnt Staves, so i will be claiming all the mage drops now :p

Seriously happened to me before :(
Anyway, guess thats what the difference between a hunter and huntard.
Bah! I've installed it again :rolleyes:, seriously can't make my mind up sometimes. Just going to have to play casually, didn't know about the xp buff from 20-60.
Yeah it doesn't take long to level these days, got an alt to 60 in 4 days played time and that was with going AFK a lot too. And with the upcoming patch, you get a mount at 30 for like 30 gold.
If you mean Zygors levelling guide then yeah that addon. It's an Ingame levelling guide, shows you where you need to go, what quests todo. However, I didn't really like it and will try a different one once the 1.1GB patch is downloaded :rolleyes:.

How long is 4days played in Real Life time? 2-3 Weeks?
i recently levelled a human paladin from 1-70, took me about 5 weeks playing around 3 hours a day.

The new 1-60 xp structure make you fly up the early levels, and getting some good questing groups in outland meant i went from 60-70 in about a fortnight.

What im finding a pain is the epics grind at 70, basically im grinding 127k of honor out of battlegrounds to get my armor and weapons....then im hitting heroics to fill the holes in my epic gear and improve what i already have....the grind is a real pain....more so than levelling.

Just started levelling a horde warlock now, makes a nice change from honor grinding.
Yeah eventually you'll learn where to go without looking at a guide.

I can do 1-70 in about 3-4 weeks now, depending on other things. Obviously I wouldn't as it would mean no job, no outside life, and no girlfriend.

Put it this way - in the first 24 hours /played, you should be looking to average about a level an hour if you're going for speed (so around 20-23).
Back over (a particularly slack) Easter, I leveled a Paladin from 1-60 in less than a week (around 3 days played IIRC). Yes, I'm ashamed, but also perversely proud all the same.

Regardless, I got bored and am now back on my T5/6 Rogue. *Sigh*
If you mean Zygors levelling guide then yeah that addon. It's an Ingame levelling guide, shows you where you need to go, what quests todo. However, I didn't really like it and will try a different one once the 1.1GB patch is downloaded :rolleyes:.

How long is 4days played in Real Life time? 2-3 Weeks?

I started to use that guide with a rogue and it is just ok really. The same as any other PDF guide but ingame really.
Did 1-70 in about 3 weeks on my Tauren Druid back in June.

Zygor's Guide is the best, so much easier than tabbing in and out, plus the arrow helps finding stuff.
Tried the iDemise guide, pretty good for what it is. But Zygors seems better. I quit though, give up for definate. As soon as you want to do something, something always comes up. Typical. :rolleyes:

Ah well. :(
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