Starting to rethink my future.

Don't do it....

I always wanted to becom a mechanical engineer, same as you I went of it. I ended up doing an IT degree and passing. Couldn't get a job and now despratley trying to get some sort of job/training in engineering. If it's something you always wanted, chanches are you probably still do, you just hit a low point.
Im currently working in Argos warehouse i started on october 3 my bday :)
And i just started yesturday after having a weeks holiday. Anyway im just so bored of that job now its so mind numbing. The only good thing about it is that it gets you fit, which leads me to my next job that im seriously thinking of doing. Im thinking of joining the Army as an infantryman, thats one job that doesnt get boring its always different with rifle training and digging trenches its gonna be a blast. Im just not sure if i want to do it or not, but you cant really stay in a job that your not happy with as its a big part of your life.
got one negative thought about going on to computer related work...

my dad really wants me to go on to do a computer science or something like that just because he thinks its going to be a safer option for the future..
but "**** that" is what im thinking to that.

and army eh? really different from what i was thinking... but i may want to go on to artilary design or weapons designer?
shimy182 said:
my dad really wants me to go on to do a computer science or something like that just because he thinks its going to be a safer option for the future..
but "**** that" is what im thinking to that.
A far safer option would be do something less specific. Maths, english, a science, history, maybe even a general engineering degree. They are safer because they're less specific, you have more options for your career path.

I do computer science and judging by what you've been saying in your posts, I get the feeling you wouldn't like it that much. Computer science is mostly about the software side of things. You get taught how to program and develop software. There isn't much emphasis on hardware. Also building a PC isn't really related to it. Maybe you might prefer something more hardware based like electrical engineering or something half way between the two such as computer systems engineering like Kreeee does. Although I'll point out that these are far more in depth than "building a PC" out of off the shelf components but you probably already realised that.
kreeeee said:
Do a course like computer systems engineering with your background and interest in computers. It's the course I'm on and you can research it on the bristol university website.

Out of curiosity did you see a guy with a 'Hadoken' T-shirt on friday Kreeeee? :p
so computer science is about programming
and computer system engineering is about computer components . :confused:

hmmm so many options now... so far im considering

mechanical engineering (automotiv engineer at sussex)
aero space engineer
computer system engineering
electrical engineer
and physics ( for more options in future like Psyk said)

mechanical engineering looking good so far...

how do u make one of those pol thing?
shimy182 said:
I always wanted to become a mechanical engineer....
im starting to consider going on to computer science instead....
i do maths mechanics, physics, and electronics all for AS.
Don't do it! Mechanical Engineering is a fantastic degree to have. Given your AS subjects I would suggest Mechanical Engineering, Electrical Engineering or Physics. All three of those subjects are challenging, well respected and will open up almost any career you could imagine. Computer Science just isn't in the same league.
Haha funnily enough this is exactly what happened to me a year ago! now im in my A-level year.

I always wanted to be a mechanical engineer or civil engineer or something so i took physics, maths, technology and chemistry for my AS levels. As it was going along i realized that chemistry sucks so i dropped it. I began thinking that if I was to become an engineer i would probably be designing crappy things for menial tasks or working for some company doing the same thing everyday and die of boredom without having any free time to have any fun.

So i decided to change my views and now I'm aiming for computer games design! It's something that i wanted do do even since i first set my hands on a SNES on the day it came out. I'm applying to go to university so study computer games design instead, doing what i love and getting paid handsomely for it... at least i know i wont have any problems doing my homework :p
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clv101 said:
Don't do it! Mechanical Engineering is a fantastic degree to have. Given your AS subjects I would suggest Mechanical Engineering, Electrical Engineering or Physics. All three of those subjects are challenging, well respected and will open up almost any career you could imagine. Computer Science just isn't in the same league.

Ok i suppose your right. its just one of those side thoughts that never works.

im going to take off computer science off the list.

and as for the future job.... im not really sure. i know i want to do something like designing engines, chassis or breaks. i dont mind as long as i find it interesting.

EDIT: i hope you will enjoy that white fang ;)
and tell me how it goes :D
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White Fang said:
I always wanted to be a mechanical engineer or civil engineer...

.... So i decided to change my views and now I'm aiming for computer games design! .... I'm applying to go to university so study computer games design instead ....

Nooo don't do it! :eek:

To say what I meant better, say you change your mind again. I know quite a few civil engineers who play a mean goldeneye, but never a single computer games designer who could well...... engineer in a civil fashion ;)

I'm sure that there might be money in developing games, but if you just want to play them, I know someone who does a 9-5 playing new games for £5 an hour. Not a bad days work I suppose...

Who's to say designing games isn't repetitive and boring anyway? Not that I would have much of a clue.

But if you want that it that bad, go for it :) I'm not one to preach on your future!
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White Fang said:
I'm applying to go to university so study computer games design instead, doing what i love and getting paid handsomely for it...
Wishful thinking there. You won't automatically become a successful games designer just because you do a degree on it and very few people get rich from designing computer games.

I want to be a games programmer after I graduate and I decided against a computer games course. I think I'd be better off being as good a programmer as I possibly can and then apply that to games rather than know a lot about games and be a mediocre programmer. I looked at a computer games course at portsmouth and it sounded really dull. There's still the option for me to do a games programming masters course if my comp sci degree and my side projects aren't enough to get me a job in the industry.
Psyk said:
A far safer option would be do something less specific. Maths, english, a science, history, maybe even a general engineering degree. They are safer because they're less specific, you have more options for your career path.

Just make sure you get a 2.1 then you'll have a wider variety of graduate schemes to apply for, with a 2.2 you'll have less choice - thats if you do decide to apply for graduate schemes.
OK, designing pegs and pens is not that interesting but bearing in mind that you are still LEARNING as part of this degree then you have to start somewhere. Anyway, if you can't design a peg how on earth are you meant to be able to design an engine?

I am a Chartered Engineer (Structural) and thoroughly enjoyed everything I did during study and everything I design now. There is no such thing as a boring engineering problem. :)
AJUK said:
There is no such thing as a boring engineering problem. :)

White Fang said:
I began thinking that if I was to become an engineer i would probably be designing crappy things for menial tasks or working for some company doing the same thing everyday and die of boredom without having any free time to have any fun.
That doesn't sound like engineering to me.
shimy182 said:
im scared again

You've got to look at it as a constant learning and getting new skills.

For my Industrial Placement year, I've applied to many companies, one of them is a company that makes door handles, that's all the make, doorhandles for many different cars.

What interests me, is that if I did get the job, I'd be working through the whole design process, learning more CAD (Catia), from initial ideas and specifications from clients, right through to design of machinery to make the handles, the whole process. It doesn't sound interesting from just 'door handles', but once you get into it, you kind of see why you *can* get excited about it.
well enjoy designing car parts DaveyD ;)

and i guess your write. im just jumping to conclusions about things there. i guess i have to relax out a little more.
i just got this peg = dull thing.
But still... i do hope i get in to a good job placement.
I'm in my final year of a computing degree, and will be finished in a few months. I also did a placement year in a computing dept. I am so bored of computing now, and really don't like my degree (though i'll finish it, as i'm so close!), but i don't think i could work in computing full time as i just don't enjoy it anymore :( I have no idea what i'm going to do when i finish, which is a problem! I'll either go travelling, or pick a basic computing job for a year, whilst i'm deciding on what i actually want to do.
geez everything computing is getting the thumbs down... i thought computers were supposed to make us happy ?

anyway.. any opinions on computer system engineer? any does that does it?
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