Steam Christmas Sale 2012

consider the weight of data transfers going on in the steam architecture - 10's of GIG's per game + the amount of users online all downloading at once + secure transactions and the storefront itself being managed....has to be one hardcore infrastructure

games i am hoping for are mark of the ninja, L.A Noire sub £5 (keep forgetting to get this in the sales) and X-Com

Picked up F1 race stars for £7.99 new so thats one ticked off :)
Hopfully these two will come up.
Fallout: new Vegas only willing to try it if its cheap after several people in the thread says it feels more like fallout than fo3
And also want x3 with Terran Conflict.
Not really just look at sites like facebook they have far greater numbers using it than what steam gets prehaps they need to invest in more/better servers.

It is not about number of users online at one time which is the problem, it is the millions trying to hit up the site within a hundredth of a second which causes the problem. Just one of those things.

Ticketmaster has the same issues at times for example, thy hardly need backend upgrades though when the site performs more than adequately the majority of the time.
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