Steam sale

Picked up a few, mostly stuff for under £10 (Metro bundle, XCom, Monaco).

Also got a copy of Don't Starve Together, well two actually.

If anyone wants the other one then drop me a trust message* and I'll gift it over :)

*note - I don't actually know how thus trust thing works, I presume its some sort of PM system so this might take a while to sort out :P Sorry for not putting it in the trades/swap/giveaway count and all that
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Nothing on the new main sale, and nothing on the flash sales.

I'll get Child Of Light due to the very high rating but I'm still holding out for better sales on a few games:

Elite: Dangerous
NoLimits 2
Project CARS
Cities Skylines
BioShock Infinite
Seriously, what's wrong with all these bundles?! The Witcher Trilogy Pack is £44.99, £1.04, and £2.24 = £48.27, but bundle price is £64.99 ???
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