Steam sale

I don't understand why people get excited about the Steam sales, the prices are no better than regular prices elsewhere. Sure there are a few cheap games for a few £'s but they tend to be really old.

If something like Witcher 3 was £25 then yeah that would be a good sale but their sale price for that is £44.99 which is a joke.
I don't understand why people get excited about the Steam sales, the prices are no better than regular prices elsewhere. Sure there are a few cheap games for a few £'s but they tend to be really old.

If something like Witcher 3 was £25 then yeah that would be a good sale but their sale price for that is £44.99 which is a joke.

Yeah this is very much true. A lot of games are not even technically on 'sale'.
Yeah this is very much true. A lot of games are not even technically on 'sale'.

I wouldn't have expected The Witcher III to be discounted all that much.
It's still very new, and I'd guess it'll be selling fairly well still. Can't just expect a game like that to be heavily discounted because other games are.
Shame the deal on Wolfenstein main game sucks so bad. Trying to say non-sale price is £35 is lol-worthy.

75% discount my arse.

Okay the RRP may be nonsense but its still a good price, don't think its been much lower has it? (dodgy key sellers aside)
I don't understand why people get excited about the Steam sales, the prices are no better than regular prices elsewhere. Sure there are a few cheap games for a few £'s but they tend to be really old.

If something like Witcher 3 was £25 then yeah that would be a good sale but their sale price for that is £44.99 which is a joke.

Mostly because it used to be amazing, in the days before there were loads of offers everywhere all the time.

And umm yeah, a game that was released just a few weeks ago should definitely have a massive discount, life is so unfair.....
well ive bought nothing so far :D all impulse buys anyway and never play them

Bought Cities Skyline over a month half back and loaded it and closed it again :(
I wouldn't have expected The Witcher III to be discounted all that much.
It's still very new, and I'd guess it'll be selling fairly well still. Can't just expect a game like that to be heavily discounted because other games are.

Yeah that's to be expected and is fair enough.

I was on about things like this:

Just wanted to warn everyone, they have raised the price of the Ace Advanced pack by $10 pending the Steam sales.

Apparently this is Illegal in many places. I can kinda see why it would be. To put the icing on the cake they are banning anyone on the War Thunder forums who even mention it.

I really want to buy Wolfenstein but that 50GB download on my slow internet is a big put off :(
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Okay the RRP may be nonsense but its still a good price, don't think its been much lower has it? (dodgy key sellers aside)

It's a year old game.

Better titles than this have been discounted more after a year (Metro, etc).

£9 for a year-old game, and Steam's non-sale price of £35, are nonsense. Steam sales used to be good, I think, but it's got to the point where I can't even remember when they used to be good, it was that long ago!
It's a year old game.

Better titles than this have been discounted more after a year (Metro, etc).

£9 for a year-old game, and Steam's non-sale price of £35, are nonsense. Steam sales used to be good, I think, but it's got to the point where I can't even remember when they used to be good, it was that long ago!

Don't buy it then, its well worth the money but whatever. I remember steam sales being good but my memory doesn't quite stretch to everything a year old being a fiver!
If you want a Wolfenstein bargain you can always pick up the Wolf Pack (Return to Castle Wolfenstein, Spear of Destiny, Wolfenstein 3D) in the Steam Sale for £5.99

Which is obviously better than buying Return to Castle Wolfenstein £1.49, Spear of Destiny £1.49 and Wolfenstein 3D £0.74
Just picked up a game i remember spending hours playing when it first came out 14 years ago. Its called "uplink" and its available for a whopping 89pence.

Cracking game.
Don't buy it then, its well worth the money but whatever. I remember steam sales being good but my memory doesn't quite stretch to everything a year old being a fiver!

In most cases, barring Ubisoft games, that's exactly what happens.
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