Steam sale

Endless Legend is great :) I really must fire it up again. Each faction is unique with totally different ways of playing the game. The lore is very detailed too... lots of reading to be had!
Multiple oppertunities to buy games I've wanted to play. But the hard truth is, by the time I finish my current list of games (at least just the main one), it will be the next sale. So I'm skipping this one.

Although, I did pick up all the Rollercoaster Tycoons (1, 2 and 3)!

Love those games. And they all work on Win 7!
Only game I have bought so far, as I have got over a 100 I've not even installed yet, is Pathfinder had it on flash sale - silver package for a £10, at that price worth a run.
Starting to slow down, picked up Galactic Civ II (another game I had years ago and lost the disc), and some Crusader Kings II DLC today.

Was tempted by Divinity II but still have an unfinished Skyrim going on, so unlikely to play it anytime soon.

I saw a few good adventure games by sorting cheapest price the other day in case ppl might want em. Takes a fair few pages to get past f2p games but when u get to 69p ones there's a few around there if ppl wana look.
Terrible sale for me this time. Bought nothing so far.

Edit: Briefly considered Mordheim but Early Access and small discount so meh.
Bought borderlands the pre sequal (not played either of the first two) and quite enjoyed the first couple of hours. I really love the Aussie narrative but think that the zero gavity is more or a pain than interesting.
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