Steam sale

Even though I already have Tales from the borderlands and the Wolf Among us to play I don't think I can resist Game of Thrones at that price.

Hold onto it for a couple of months until I get the GoT itch now it's finished again for the year.
I've just bagged it myself too.
dishonored worth getting ?

It's very good game and a steal at £4.99, though I'm sure it had 75% off the other day. so it maybe worth waiting for the last few days of the steam sale, when they tend to repeat some of the big savings.

Also like others have said, get the GOTY edition. As The Knife of Dunwall and The Brigmore Witches are both worth getting.
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LMAO i forgot about this picture

It's very good game and a steal at £4.99, though I'm sure it had 75% off the other day. so it maybe worth waiting for the last few days of the steam sale, when they tend to repeat some of the big savings.

Also like others have said, get the GOTY edition. As The Knife of Dunwall and The Brigmore Witches are both worth getting.

Correct and I think the GOTY edition had -66%, that's when I bought it.
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