Steam sale

I think everything goes back to it's lowest price on the last day of the sale, at least that's what they have done before.

Not everything. It depends how many keys they sold and whether the publisher wants to squeeze some more buyers.
Still haven't gotten around to playing Banished yet. Bought it a while ago as it looks excellent, but I read that it is brutally difficult.
Even though I already have Tales from the borderlands and the Wolf Among us to play I don't think I can resist Game of Thrones at that price.

Hold onto it for a couple of months until I get the GoT itch now it's finished again for the year.
Pillers of Eternity popped up again at 33% (prev. 25%) discount. It's on my wishlist but, still just that bit expensive at the moment.

loved Cybernator aka Assault Suits Valken

One Way Heroics
not sure about this one. Looks like the SNES FF games but a rouge like. Worth a punt at that price and reviews are solid

Sleeping Dogs: Definitive Edition
The "original" is great. Yes it's been on sale at a fiver on many key sites. If it's better looking than the "original" it will be stunning :) (will play this one without a doubt on the big screen)

1001 Spikes
This has been on the wishlist for a long time and now is at a price that makes it worth snapping up. I think! Rave reviews from the cool kids...

PAYDAY 2: The Official Soundtrack
This is a soundtrack :eek:
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