Many of us here seem to joke about it (and fair enough!) but for me there is still a more serious side to it. I'm so overwhelmed with games that I could play that on occasion I end up playing none as I can't decide what to do. Or I start playing one and in the back of my mind I'm wondering if I might have preferred another. I've settled (for the mo) on trying to complete the shorter titles in terms of gameplay hours one at a time to get them struck off the list. Completion for me is usually just finishing campaign, I'd be doubly screwed as an achievement hunter!
There are some epics weighing on my mind that I don't think I'll ever get done - Witcher 2, Dragon Age Origins, Fallout New Vegas. And then new games come out! I'm hoping to have things settled before the next Fallout or Elder Scrolls comes out! It's like clutter in your home - you have to tidy it up (complete it) for peace of mind! Talking about completing games as though it's a chore and not for enjoyment too - what's that all about?!
That's some serious first world problem **** right there! I'm sure I'm not alone though...
Steam sale crisis - the threat is real!
Stop crying, start playing right?