Prices have updated now. Castle Crashers 99p and Risk of Rain £1.74. Woohoo!
If you want to buy Battle Block Theatre you are better off buying the Castle Crashers + BBT pack as you then get both games for the same price as BBT.
Is Arma 3 worth it for that price?
THinking about getting Insurgency. Kind of burned out with CS GO due to retarded team mates. But Insurgency looks kinda campy, and a bit boring.
I'm also after a controller, is the 360 one a good choice, for any kind of game that needs one, i.e. shooter, driving etc ???
The community comments make it sound great. I can't stand games like ARMA so I'm not sure if the realism difficulty would ruin it for me but I love counterstrike... I'll pick it up if it's on a flash sale.
The 360 controller is fine, works fine for every game I've tried it on . Some games you're still better off using mouse and keyboard though.
What are the chances of the Rocksmith 2014 DLCs getting more than 25% off?