Steam Summer Sale 2011

i just got worms reloaded as my mates play it sometimes for a laugh, but its stuck on "Your purchase is still being processed" even though its taken the money out my paypal account? (i know paypal isnt a good way to pay with steam but i had spare cash in it)

Will it work eventually?

If it's completely stuck, try giving Steam a restart and see if it appears in your lists.

If not I'd shoot Steam support an email.
I wouldnt mind the portal bundle being up cheap. I havent got portal 1 or 2 and I've always been curious about them, people tell me the co-op in portal 2 is fun and I generally prefer games I can co-op in.

I've got Portal 2 and played the co-op with a couple of mates. It was pretty good and a good challenge in parts :) if it does come on sale I really recommend it.
I own a retail copy of Fallout 3 for the PC which I completed back when it first came out but I never played any of the DLC, would you say it's worth it to buy the 'Game of the Year Edition' even though I already own the game? I'm guessing it would be cheaper than buying all of the DLC separately?
I own a retail copy of Fallout 3 for the PC which I completed back when it first came out but I never played any of the DLC, would you say it's worth it to buy the 'Game of the Year Edition' even though I already own the game? I'm guessing it would be cheaper than buying all of the DLC separately?

If you enjoyed the main game a lot then go for it. Someone said there was a mod for the Mothership Zeta DLC that added 10s of hours to the game.

I be buying these ;)
Portal 2
Dead Space 2
Duke Nukem forever
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