Steam Summer Sale: What's on your list?

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Well I was hoping for Witcher 2 but I just got lucky and picked up the premium edition brand new for £7 in Morrisons :D

And it registers on GOG, which is even better than Steam. :)

If it doesn't start today, I think it may start with the eve of independence day (Though, in the UK, that may translate to the 5th?)

The eve of Independence Day is today...
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Tbh there is still tomorrow and Thursday that the sale could possibly start on.

After that the bets are on mid July.
Tbh there is still tomorrow and Thursday that the sale could possibly start on.

After that the bets are on mid July.

I would imagine Thursday. Will let midweek madness end then start the main sale, rather than a weekend deal. If not then yes, end of the month.
Tbh there is still tomorrow and Thursday that the sale could possibly start on.

After that the bets are on mid July.

Nah, after that the bets are on next Monday/Tuesday again :p

you lot are desperate lol

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Would actually be quite satisfying if there were no summer sale. For all the talk about when they "normally" do sales I think they've only done full-on summer sales for a couple of years as I recall, it used to be Christmas that was the main one.
I bought skyrim when it went down to almost £20. Well worth it but I wanna going to pay £40 or £35. I want Dawnguard half price the day it's released. lol
given no word at all...... I reckon there'll be no sale for a while.

It'll be a marketing gimmic.... get everyone talking, as they are now, unsettle the community.... they may even take it as far as when a few grumpy nerds delete steam etc in protest.....

Then have a sale in September.

I doubt there's a single steam user out there that hasn't got at least 50 hours of gaming untouched in their library to tide them over.
September is too late considering they usually do a halloween sale. I can't see a sale not happening within the next 2-3 weeks, summer is the perfect time because it's the one time of year people don't have a long list of new releases to spend their money on.
I have never been into the sales before, I have only recently just got into the pc gaming :P

It would be good to see the sale because

1. I am broke
2. Bored of my games atm
3. Need a couple of new games (dont have many)
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