Steam Summer Sale: What's on your list?

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And how'd you figure that one out? Its exactly the same game, just with a few extras taken from mods for FO3.

Fallout 3 has one of the most horrible stories and endings ever. It is a joke. The combat system was awful in comparison to New Vegas.

Fallout 3

You could equip any weapon you like
Vats is very over powered and pointless. Aim for the head every single time.
Very few perks and very few weapons that could not be modified.

New vegas

Weapons have strength and skill requirements
Vats is more reasonably powered
There are more perks that are actually good.
Weapon mods
Different Ammo types
A large number of weapons

Also New Vegas had very good writing and was much more of an RPG. The game is consistent with the already established lore and the other already established Fallout games. It also has many endings.

Fallout 3 on the other hand is more of an FPS. It has bad writing and very few quests. Pretty much just one ending, and even though it is hundred of years since the place was devastated no on seems to have made any progress. There was also significantly less voice actors in 3 than New Vegas.

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Whilst some of your points may be valid kcon1, FO3 was still a massively enjoyable game to play. In my opinion it is worth every penny, it's what £3 odd now?

edit: just realised what you two were arguing about, hf.
Only two games that I still have got my eye on are Batman:AC or Saints Row the Third. Think I will wait for the B:AC GOTY to possibly be in the Xmas Sale and I'm sure SR will come down a bit more through another e-tailer.

Managed to get LA Noire and the first 2 Max Paynes. OH! Max Payne 3! Thats another I wanted. Ah well suppose the "to play" list to long. ;)
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