Steam Summer Sale: What's on your list?

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I thought it was terrible. Bland environs, terrible bosses, gameplay wad poor.

I rushed through it, it was so bad.

No! I shall not less this go uncontested.

Enviroments are great, it has a decent art style to it. Not a HUGE amount of variety but you do get to see different cities and stuff.

Bosses were terrible, yes. Worst part of the game.

Gameplay is amazing. One thing - it isn't Deus Ex. It is more of a shooter with rpg elements than vice versa but that really doesn't change the fact that it's great. It still gives you loads of flexibility and lots of different options and routes through the game.

The story was good too. It's also got loads of background stuff and lots of different emails etc to read which I liked a lot since I like those types of things. The story was interesting enough to keep me engrossed.

The graphics are pretty good and it runs well now it's been patched, no stuttering issues. Looks great. They did a really good job of the port and it actually feels like a pc game should feel.

I personally think it's the best Deus Ex game honestly. The original is too dated and has several crippling design flaws. HR is nowhere near as patchy around the edges as the original.

It's much more challenging (I found) in that you aren't given the dragon sword, which, on normal mode in the original, literally let you smash your way through the entire game without paying attention. Sneaking around and finishing the game non-lethal (other than those goddamn bosses) is actually fun rather than frustrating due to the retarded AI. I also preferred the shooting - sure it isn't a proper rpg but the shooting was one of the originals weak points and it was something you were doing all the time.

HR does have other problems of course (like any game) but the only glaring one is the boss battles which comprise a tiny tiny portion of the game. I really don't know where all the hate is coming from here :(

Hopefully it'll come up in the steam sale so I can grab the DLC.
F1 2011, Dirt 3, DCS A10

Also maybe a sale on all ms flight dlc, as I'm a completist and would like all of it but cheaply.
Galactic Civilisations II for less than a tenner.
Titan Quest £3 or less. I've tried to buy this game about 3 times in the last 6 months on various non-steam game download sites, each time the sites have either buggered up or something has gone wrong with the order. Will be glad when it is discounted on Steam again and can cut out all the phaff.
I am surprised by all the Deus Ex HR hate...people were raving about it in the official thread. The only gripe seemed to be the boss fights. I thought it was a fantastic game.
I've decided i'll be buying these if they're £5 or less.

Fallout 3 GOTY
Fallout New Vegas GOTY

That'll do me, got enough games i've not touched as it is.
Deus Ex HR is one of my favourite games of recent years, I thought it was excellent.

The only game I might think of getting is the Game of Thrones one. Reviews have been pretty bad, but some gameplay vids and pics look ok.
half life 3....

In all seriousness,

I'd like to see darksiders + game of thrones on sale. I'm the kind of person If i see something cool on steam going cheap I'll pick it up. Discovered some awesome games that way like orks must die
The complete editions of Fallout 3 & New Vegas at 75% off would set me for Summer XD.

As well as:
Crysis 2
Witcher 2
Mass Effect 3
Battlefield 3

Oh, and Ghost Recon would awesome!
I keep passing up on Mafia 2 everytime it's been on sale, then wishing I'd grabbed it a week or two later. I'll pick it up this time if it crops up again.
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