Steam Summer Sale

I thought I could get to the end of the sale without spending a penny, but alas, FF7 in the flash sale could not be resisted.. With a couple of mods, it makes an awesome game even moreso.. despite its 16 year age..
Final Fantasy 7 \o/

It's a harsh for them to put it in the 1am - 9am Flash Sales :p

I know! I was 52 mins away from missing it!

Instant purchase :D:D:D One of the few games left I really wanted.

Had it not come up I would have just got it from GMG, but still.
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I also got FF7 just now in the flash sales. Strangely enough most of the games I have bought so far have been in the flash sales. Doom 3 BFG 4.99, Colonial Marines 7.49, Prototype 2 £6ish, Fable 3 £3.49, Carrier Command £6ish, Star Trek 4.99, nazi zombie sniper £3ish
Woe is me, bought the new Star Trek...

Hate it!!

If only I had read the reviews first :(
At least you never paid full price for it like I did on release date :eek:

I was such a fan of the 2009 Star Trek movie I was convinced this would be a great experience :( Paramount lost $28m on it due to very low sales its one of the worse Star Trek games ever made :mad:
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