Steam Xmas Sale 2018

This is the first sale I didn't buy anything in.

I bought Wolfenstein 2 for £7.99 on cdkeys Xmas sale and that was it this Xmas.
Bought Elite Dangerous and We Were Here Too... highly recommend the latter if you have a co-op partner, the first game of the series (We Were Here) is free on Steam so you can try it out.
Fun and spooky puzzle game especially if you use the walkie talkies as well.
I'm pretty much finished swapping and completing the sale cards, but they all disappear in a few weeks so use them or lose them now.

I accidentally reset steam guard so couldn't trade / buy the one remaining card I was after! Think it becomes available again by the 15th so will then have until 2nd Feb I think to get badge and sell remainder. Not that it gains you much!!!
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