SteamVR Performance Test

Eh with a 780 im getting 4.2 even though no frames dropped below 90 and pretty much was getting 120 FPS on average.
CPU is a 5820K at 4.3 ghz, did the benchmark just ******** me here about the fact the gpu is older then a 970 even though its pretty much the same performance between those 2 gpus.
My little 980 Ti

Eh with a 780 im getting 4.2 even though no frames dropped below 90 and pretty much was getting 120 FPS on average.
CPU is a 5820K at 4.3 ghz, did the benchmark just ******** me here about the fact the gpu is older then a 970 even though its pretty much the same performance between those 2 gpus.

I got 4.4 and never went under 116 I guess a 780 is not what you need for vr.
HD7950 @ 1200c/1350m

Make sure you are using the crimson drivers. My hd7950 at stock went from not ready and most frames below 90fps (6 month old driver), to capable after installing crimson drivers and all frames over 90.

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here is mine, System specs are as follows

I7 950 @ 4.2ghz
4GB of ram (used to be 6GB but ones faulty!)
R9 390 @ stock speeds

0.5 off SLI Nano, nice.

I'll have a go.

Fury Pro (3840 shaders) @ 1100mhz.


So basically XFire does not work for this test??


If you read this Anandtech article,it says VR does not AFR and would mean one card per display,so there should be no scaling issues:

This, in a nutshell, is why VR is the next great use case for multi-GPU setups. There is a significant performance need, and VR rendering is much friendlier to multi-GPU setups. RTG and NVIDIA are in turn both well aware of this, which is why both of them have multi-GPU technologies in their SDKs, Affinity Multi-GPU and VR SLI respectively.
GTX780 will pass, you just need to make sure it is suitably clocked. Interesting to note that while I can pass with both SLI enabled and disabled I get a lot more frames with it disabled. Framerate throughout the test being higher and memory usage lower.



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