Step son in motorbike crash

This is why, to me, filtering should be made illegal. Twice today whilst sat in a long, occasionally moving queue of traffic on the A303 I had bikers filter past me at stupid speeds that had I not been alert (likely after an hour in the heat) I would have hit as I accelerated (wheels at an angle). Cars make do without, why can't bikes?

*awaits the backlash :p*

Because most people filter safely and sensibly without issue?

50/50 tbh.. he was going to fast and she was careless too.. can't see it going any other way.

How was she careless?

It was a single carriage way with a stationary queue of traffic with a break so she could cross that flow (in front of the van). Her side was clear. She turns to join her side of the road and gets hit by an on coming bike doing 30-35 mph on her side of the road.

In all honesty, she did very little wrong. The bike took a chance with an overtaking maneuver, that went sadly wrong. For that flow of traffic, the bike shouldn't have been going that fast, nor on the opposite side of the road.
Indeed. If I was pulling out of a side road, and could clearly see there was traffic stationary all the way along the road to my left, and someone reversed back a bit to let me out, I certainly wouldn't expect some idiot to come careering along the wrong side of the road at speed. Anyone who can't understand why that's dangerous clearly has no place on the road.
its in the hands of the insurance right now. As for Peter, well we have to ring hte hospital at 6am every morning to see if they have a bed available to do the operation. Nothing so sar. UN-*******-BELIEVABLE!!!!!
They cast his wrist in a perculiar way, but now the swelling has gone down there is loads of movement so the cast is useless.
He was originally a "high priority". Now we understand that emergencies take precedence, but seriously 5 days waiting for an op that requires pins and plates? The bone will likely be knitting together the wrong way (this happened to me 20 years ago and i have a permanent lump on my hand).
I wonder how many on the surgey list are non-priority but private so they get preference.
Bloody NHS...wonderful aint it!!!??
its in the hands of the insurance right now. As for Peter, well we have to ring the hospital at 6am every morning to see if they have a bed available to do the operation. Nothing so sar. UN-*******-BELIEVABLE!!!!!
They cast his wrist in a perculiar way (position), but now the swelling has gone down there is loads of movement so the cast is useless.
He was originally a "high priority". Now we understand that emergencies take precedence, but seriously 5 days waiting for an op that requires pins and plates? The bone will likely be knitting together the wrong way (this happened to me 20 years ago and i have a permanent lump on my hand) and possibly cause more complications.
I wonder how many on the daily surgery list are non-priority but private so they get preference.
Bloody NHS...wonderful aint it!!!??
Go down to the hospital or to another one?
Got medical insurance included on the insurance?
The mrs just rang the hospital and kicked off a little (which isn't like her). They said he'll be having his op tmorrow. Peter is not convinced, lol.
This is why, to me, filtering should be made illegal. Twice today whilst sat in a long, occasionally moving queue of traffic on the A303 I had bikers filter past me at stupid speeds that had I not been alert (likely after an hour in the heat) I would have hit as I accelerated (wheels at an angle). Cars make do without, why can't bikes?

*awaits the backlash :p*

When you say "wheels at an angle", do you mean that you would have swerved into the next lane? If so then it's pretty obvious that you should be looking for any traffic approaching from behind if you are making that kind of maneuver. If you were sat in stopped/very slow moving traffic, why were your wheels at an angle anyway? Not hopping between lanes were you?

In all honesty it's posts like this that just reinforce how shockingly poor some car drivers are at not only performing observations, but also understanding why they should be performing them. I suspect it's the same people that drive along completely oblivious to an emergency vehicle right behind them trying to get past. "I looked in the rear view mirror only 10 minutes ago so there can't be anything behind me now".

Not performing adequate observations after sitting for an hour in traffic is not a valid excuse, it's still negligent behavior.
its in the hands of the insurance right now. As for Peter, well we have to ring the hospital at 6am every morning to see if they have a bed available to do the operation. Nothing so sar. UN-*******-BELIEVABLE!!!!!
They cast his wrist in a perculiar way (position), but now the swelling has gone down there is loads of movement so the cast is useless.
He was originally a "high priority". Now we understand that emergencies take precedence, but seriously 5 days waiting for an op that requires pins and plates? The bone will likely be knitting together the wrong way (this happened to me 20 years ago and i have a permanent lump on my hand) and possibly cause more complications.
I wonder how many on the daily surgery list are non-priority but private so they get preference.
Bloody NHS...wonderful aint it!!!??

Probably unrelated to private surgery but more an indictment of the current bed situation due to NHS cutbacks forcing hospitals to close beds.
Wrong side of the road, overtaking maneuver past a junction.

While she should have checked right, it's not going his way.

I think the reality is here that MANY drivers, including perhaps many of us on here would not check right for someone overtaking traffic on the wrong side of the road after being let out, a quick glance perhaps and the odd check here or there but a focused effort on checking for over-taking traffic? Unlikely.

Personally I would feel entirely unsafe overtaking a stationary line of traffic at that speed, irrespective of the speed-limit and especially on a road I know contains junctions. 2 lanes in the same direction would be a totally different story, you WOULD check, not opposing single lanes though.
I bet there's a Youtube vid of him doing an Epic wheelie just before he hits her motor. :p
The added detail makes it sound more like Peter's fault to me.

She's approached a T-junction, wanting to turn right. Traffic is stopped to her right and a van driver has left her room to make the turn. Traffic is also clear to the left. She couldn't have seen Peter until her head was level with the van's driver door at which point the front of her car would've been well past it.

This is the exact thing that happened in this thread:

Went 50:50 iirc

Edging out would have allowed HIM TO SEE HER surely, and depending on his distance from her at that time could have given him chance to brake or swerve to avoid.

Maybe if he hadn't been going too fast he could have done those things? food for thought...

he wasn't overtaking on a blind bend, or any other manner of situation where it was not safe to have even initiated the overtake..

You do realise that near a junction is one of the places where it is not safe to overtake yeah?
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