Sticky work situation - what would you do?

24 Apr 2007
Basically, as a lot of you will know I used to have my own laptop repair / refurb business, before dropping it due to the incredibly slim profit margins and supplier issues. I then went back to work in retail part time for a few months, and then back to call centre work in November.

I scored a job in Burnley, around 40 miles from home. As I'd planned to move there in the future this wasn't too bad, the area has a good few ISPs and call centres I could work in so this seemed the logical idea.

Since then, however, I've had a lot of family illnesses and have decided to stick to my roots. This means 40 miles each way, I leave the house at 7:45 and get in at 19:00. With the cost of fuel removed I take home around £800 a month after tax etc.

I also run my own part-time business selling Rover parts, which actually makes a similar amount, but of course takes a lot less time and I don't have to travel for it.

Long post short - do I scrap my job to keep my Shop and focus on that, enjoying the extra time I have with my family?

Thoughts appreciated.

Edit: The parts business is busy and suppliers are stable. I have many sources for parts, so supply isn't going to be an issue. I also have a good and expandable customer base.

I also want to go into teaching, so I'd have the time to start my course for this.

Thanks guys.
Think you have answered your own question. Go for it. Make that leap now or regret not going for it.
That's the thing, I made the leap and left my last call centre job for my other business, which didn't work out for the reasons above. That business relied heavily on a business partner who turned out to be a **** though.

The main reason I don't want to move is my Nan has cancer, and I'd really like to spend more time with her. I live a mile up the road but barely have time to visit due to work. :(
If you can afford to drop the job then that seems the logical choice. Would that allow you to grow the parts business and then make more money from it?
Lay out projections and if you think the parts business is providing similar revenue, is this enough to live on? How could you increase that? What are you future business plans?
As koolpc said, seems to be an easy choice, best of luck!

Seems to be on paper, thank you. :)
And thank you koolpc. :)

i'd keep both jobs
Interesting, why do you say that? I'm after all perspectives. Thank you. :)

If you can afford to drop the job then that seems the logical choice. Would that allow you to grow the parts business and then make more money from it?
I can afford it, I'd have about £500 spare per month with my partner's income.
I would be able to make more from it too, well I'd hope so. I'd be able to do trade stands at shows and such. Thank you.
On the teaching note, which courses are you thinking of taking? Which level of teaching are you aiming for? I've done a decent amount of research on teaching courses etc, give me a shout on Facebook if you need to know anything :)
Expand your business then drop your job.

Or if you can, just drop your job, there's no use working a job in a call centre when you don't have to. Unless of course that really is your passion.
Get a cloth, clean it up serupticiously and make sure next time I do it in the privacy of my own home...
On the teaching note, which courses are you thinking of taking? Which level of teaching are you aiming for? I've done a decent amount of research on teaching courses etc, give me a shout on Facebook if you need to know anything :)
Cheers mate :) I'm aiming for KS2, however may think about 3/4. Not too sure yet, although I'm lacking any Uni qualifications so it'd be a long road.

I'd keep both until you've got a good amount saved up, and only then considering doing the switch.
I have a fair bit in the business already, I can draw on that if needed. I have enough to make the transition, I also need to work 4 weeks notice.
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