Still Smokey Diesel - Extended warranty cover?

merlin said:
I presume the chip was not done by, or approved by Mitsubishi?

No idea.

The chip was done before September 2005, which is the date of the Warranty. Does that not imply they are warrantying (? I've invented a new word) it?
Norbert666 said:
No idea.

The chip was done before September 2005, which is the date of the Warranty. Does that not imply they are warrantying it?

It's really highly unlikely Mitsubishi chipped it. Also highly unlikely it was chipped by a company they approve of. Also unlikely Mitsubishi like the boost of their TD's turning up.

So, no, no chance they will pay for sorting out excessive smoke when the likely cause is an aftermarket chip that's bugger all to do with them - messing with the cars boost level.

Why on earth would they honour a warranty claim in such circumstances?

It's not their problem. They'll simply say get the chip reversed out and it'll stop smoking.
Did they mention the chip when they sold it to you? That is almost certainly what is making it smoke though, it's being overfueled.
merlin said:
It's really highly unlikely Mitsubishi chipped it. Also highly unlikely it was chipped by a company they approve of. Also unlikely Mitsubishi like the boost of their TD's turning up.

So, no, no chance they will pay for sorting out excessive smoke when the likely cause is an aftermarket chip that's bugger all to do with them - messing with the cars boost level.

Why on earth would they honour a warranty claim in such circumstances?

It's not their problem. They'll simply say get the chip reversed out and it'll stop smoking.

Oh. Bum.

Thanks for all the replies and help.
Every L200 I've seen on the roads (and the Nissan etc. equivalents for that matter) have been a bit on the smokey side. Chipping it will only add to this problem. I say problem, its more of a characteristic ie, nothing to worry about.
My tractor (with an VAG PD130 lump) smokes like a hippy at Glastonbury. It's most noticeable if you boot it in a higher gear and have to wait for the turbo to spin up. Soot central :D
Oil Filter and some millers, other than that, if its chipped, its going to smoke on boost (maximum torque) like I smoke after sex (without cigs!)
I was advised at my Citroen supplier to occasionally thrash the engine to blast the exhaust & clear the smoke, drive to a quiet area & rev it to near max & after several bursts it clears itself , this definately works on my Xantia
why not find a friendly MOT place and see if it would pass the smoke test? if it does, worry not. if it fails, then think about going to see Mr Mitsubishi?
Depends what type it is. But for your truck your looking at what £11 for a new one!?

You could get a pre oiled one (as opposed to the paper elements) and use that. Whilst it probably wont aid smoking it will last a lot longer and can be cleaned
Oracle said:
Depends what type it is. But for your truck your looking at what £11 for a new one!?

You could get a pre oiled one (as opposed to the paper elements) and use that. Whilst it probably wont aid smoking it will last a lot longer and can be cleaned

I asked in Halfords and they wanted £35.
I aslo asked in my local car shop thing, and they wanted £8.
How can there such a difference?
Firstly, its Halfrauds - hence the price!

my MG ZT for instance takes 6.3 litres of oil (in Halfrauds Mobil 1 TD was 38.99 for 4 litres, so I needed two).

However, i was able to wait, so bought them off ebay. Exactly the same guess how much. £30 for 8 litres!!

Motor Factors are often notoriousyly cheaper than places like Halfords, thats why most independant garages use a motor factors
Does it just give a big puff of smoke when you first hit the throttle, or does it smoke all the time under hard acceleration? Is the chip one of the official power upgrades or an aftermarket item?

A chipped diesel will smoke when you first hit the throttle, especially something like an L200 which don't have the most advanced turbos and fuelling. If its smoking all the time then its clearly overfuelling - possibly because of the chip or it could indicate some sort of turbo/intercooler/pipe problem where the air is leaking. Does it feel as powerful as it should be?
Norbert666 said:
I looked at the air filter. It was a little dusty, but not terrible.
although this isn't the cause, i'd just like to point out that the particles that block up an air filter are microscopic.this means your filter can look perfect but be as blocked as a blocked thing in blocked-world.
Just as a point of note, Mistubishi certainly do (or did) a chipping service.

My friend had his L200 chipped directly from the dealer when he purchased it new.
His certainly liked a smoke.
It will smoke when hoofed if it's been chipped. They up the turbo boost and chuck more fuel in to get the power which equals more soot.
MagicBoy said:
It will smoke when hoofed if it's been chipped. They up the turbo boost and chuck more fuel in to get the power which equals more soot.

The chips dont alter the turbo boost, on turbo diesels, the boost is around 18psi anyway. This is preset via the wastgate, so unless the chip can unscrew the regulator and adjust it then it can only alter the fuel coming into the engine!
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