Stop the muggings, learn krav maga!

Che said:
Oh don't be ridiculous. Just because you know how to effectively fight and do damage to someone doesn't mean that you're either totally passive or on a Rambo killing spree..

Your clearly dont know what Krav Maga is really about. Look into the system some more, read the literature...Ive never done it myself but ive been involved with someone who taught it over in Israel....

You train your body to react immediately and instinctively...Its not a thinking mans martial art.
Im not sure whether or not I would class Krav Maga as an "art". It is an extremely effective no hold barred self defence system that is proven in military combat.
With regards to thinking....this could open a whole new thread, but in my experience, as well as others, when learning how to defend yourself in life or death situations, the Reptile Mind is a key factor. I learnt this from Master Erle Montaigue, I will try and find a link to explain what it is.
Balddog said:
The whole premise of krav maga is to train your body to react without thinking...The idea is that you respond with what will render that person harmless in the quickest time...You dont get to choose an appropriate response.

Perhaps your trainer is doing things differently, but if its the real thing and not some get rich scheme then its supposed to be devastating..You get attacked, you put them down...for good. You keep hitting until they cant get up to hit you back. You do whatever it takes to make sure they are no threat to you ever again..Thats how the Israelis teach it :dunno:

I don’t think it’s really fair to make these comments unless you have participated in the training programs. And no it is not a get rich quick scheme it is all done through the official krav maga association, in fact the chief and highest ranked instructor in the world, Eyal Yanilov is coming to the UK to do some basic sessions, one in London and one in Glasgow, £25 for 4 hours if I remember correctly. It will cover the basics and give you and idea how it has been adapted for civilian use.
greenlizard0 said:
I think the Israeli army developed it. And well....they're pretty hard men...

What, the 18yr old girls? :D

(Yeah krav manga seems good, don't think I have the time/place to learn it though).
Balddog said:
Your clearly dont know what Krav Maga is really about. Look into the system some more, read the literature...Ive never done it myself but ive been involved with someone who taught it over in Israel....

You train your body to react immediately and instinctively...Its not a thinking mans martial art.

It's not a martial's a defence system
I suppose it's all very well if you live in the South/Midlands and want to learn Krav Maga. But what about us in the North? :rolleyes:
I'm a big fan of Krav Maga and anyone who says that it's too violent or that it's not suitable for the UK is talking out their backside.

One of my mates teaches two classes a week in North London and he charges £2.50 a session, so it's not exactly get rich quick either.

Krav Maga was designed to effective, easy and quick to learn. It is supposed to be for everyone male or female and aged from 9 to 90.

As for being based on reaction, well personally, if I was mugged I'd prefer to be able to defend myself without having to think about what I was going to do.

Krav Maga instructor don't teach people to kill each other, they teach people to defend themselves and nothing more.
There are three ways to defend yourself when on your own in today's society (listed in order of relevance)

1 - Running like linford

2 - Looking like a right hard nut

3 - being a dirty **** before the other guy, if something is inevitable.

Knowing a martial art means your likely to be a bit more intimidating in the looks department, which is a bonus... Your Probably nicely conditioned, meaning you will be able to run away, more than likely better than your "opponent". So in that way its relevant. As an actual form of defence in real life? Well, maybe its better than being totally unprepared but its pretty much useless. Maybe you can slow down one guy for a little bit whilst hes baffled at your weird fighting stance or your super punch.

Chances are three of his mates will be next in line at the same time perhaps with weapons. Whats your martial art gunna do for ya then? Naff all, thats what. Your best way to survive in a situation where things might happen is to not be there.

Dont get me wrong, martial arts are fine, i would like to do one, just dont rely on it to get you out of every situation.
I've been looking into Krav Maga a lot recently and really want to learn. Luckily a class is starting in Worcester soon, I shall definitely be going. I accept some people's objections to it but I'm not interested in ju-jitsu/judo etc I just want to know how to defend myself quickly and as safely as possible (regardless of how much damage I cause to someone else to be honest) without risking myself. I don't want to be able to give muggers a total beating, I'm not an idiot but if someone's willing to stab me (therefore potentially killing me) then I'm prepared to do anything necessary to defend myself.
richyfingers said:
It's not a martial's a defence system

It's an art used in active warfare/combat = martial art.

Krav Maga is a decent combat art, but tbh as a street defence I don't really rate it over say... JKD or Muay Thiai. Many of the attacks in it are designed to cripple/disable and while you might say "but omg what if your life is in danger in *** pub" you have as much chance of stopping a fight with a well-placed Thai-kick, boxing punch or throw ontot he pavement than if you crush their throat. I've seen the Krav maga discussion on many a martial arts forum and the verdict is usually the same: Krav Maga is an effective yet over-hyped system (ala systema, used by the Russians) and not always suited to the streets of Britain and our laws.

JKD will tech you a system that is just as effective and versatile, yet far less likely to get you in prison. :)
Was walking back to my place and i hear an engine humming behind me... a car moving slowly. Now normal people will probably think nothing of it... but me being paranoid I knew something was going to happen...

anyway I get to the corner of my street and the car stops...

A complete chav looking guy says "excuse mate... can we have a quick chat, we're the police"

Now this car is like a blue saloon... looks mega generic, and has 3/4 chav looking people in and its like quarter to one in the morning.

So i say "no sorry..." and continue walking, then the cars engine turns on and starts turning towards my direction... so i peg it down to my house (which thankfully was only half a street away).

When i get in my house, my house mates give me a look like "wtf?", and then i explain the story... decide to call 999

Being the idiot i am i forgot to take the registration number/car description ( i know nothing about cars, not even descriptions of the most basic kind).

but anyway... after calling the police, about 10 minutes later we get a knock on the door, couple more knocks follow... (we ignore while i try to look out of a misted up window to see who it is)... then they finally say "Mr fernandes... its the police, just checking ** ok"

Since they say my name, i could assume it was really cops... so i opened the door to be greeted by the chav looking guys who followed me (so they were actually cops)...

they were shocked when i told them they looked like chavs.

Anyway before you laugh, think about it... you'd do the same in my situation

remember the crime watch when the guy was attacked in his car, and taken half way across england before being left for dead.

Or the other crime watch, when this paedophile was txted this 14 year old girl, then after they called the cops, these fake police officers turned up at the door and threatened her mum in her home.

It makes for a good story anyway

maybe i should learn that martial art
What a strange night that must have been ArmyofHarmony!

Balddog said:
Your clearly dont know what Krav Maga is really about. Look into the system some more, read the literature...Ive never done it myself but ive been involved with someone who taught it over in Israel....

You train your body to react immediately and instinctively...Its not a thinking mans martial art.
I've read the website that was posted in the OP. What exactly makes a "thinking man's" martial art better than a self defense form? Thinking takes too long, even the quickest mind can't think quick enough. Most boxers/fighters/karate champions or whoever don't think, they've done the drills so many times that it's second nature, the pathways in their brains react instinctively. Not very scientifically explained but that's how it works.
Gotta say the best thing to do is stay the hell out of trouble. I stay the hell away from any trouble I see (unless I can do something about it and, let's face it, one geeky-looking guy in the middle of a gang isn't much)

However, I wouldn't mind learning Krav Maga on the basis that, if I do have to fight I have no issues with hurting someone really badly. It's that or be hurt badly yourself from my experiences.

And, unless I pull a knife first, put them into IC or shoot an unarmed person the law will not try to stop me.
Sounds interesting, i'm going to look into courses in my area.

When it comes down to it no one should feel too intimidated to go out at night or into town for an evening out with friends or patners, however many of us do. I personally would like to learn this purely for piece of mind - if someone attacks me, or my other half (family, kids etc.) then i would want to be able to defend them and myself as quickly as possible - if that means the attacker doesnt get back up then so be it.
The one thing stopping me from learning krav marga atm is the fact it uses instinct and what if someone i loved scared me or took a play fight hit at me and it set off the instict and i hurt them badly.
I would never forgive myself:(
notice how the guy in the video trys to walk away and avoid danger until there is no other option. that's the best way to deal with it.
Che said:
Thinking takes too long, even the quickest mind can't think quick enough.QUOTE]

Couldnt have put it better myself. If you think too much then it will slow you down and before you know it, your on the floor. self defence systems like KM, Keysi, Fa Jing, etc teach you how to use instinct to your advantage.
panthro said:
Couldnt have put it better myself. If you think too much then it will slow you down and before you know it, your on the floor. self defence systems like KM, Keysi, Fa Jing, etc teach you how to use instinct to your advantage.

A decent defensive martial art teaches you to use instinct as well, however it teaches you to use things differently.

What makes Krav Maga different from some other fighting styles is that it does not teach you to defend or neutralise on instinct, instead it teaches you to attack on first instinct, and attack very hard.

That is the predominate reason why I wouldn't consider it a good form of self defence, and why it's likely to get you in trouble. It is not a defensive art, it's an offensive one, and it shows in the style.

It should be remembered, however that my martial art of choice is aikido, which is one of the least aggressive of the lot, focussing far more on neturalisation and control of attacks and threats....

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