Stopping the old man looking at porn :)

27 Feb 2003
North East
Right seems my dad has discovered the wonderfull world of porn on the internet, not only that but he has also worked out how to delete the internet history in firefox. The thing is my pc is the only pc in the house which I keep nice and clean etc. I never go on dodgy porn or warez sites etc, infact I tend to visit the same few sites over and over, such as forums and news sites etc. If I want anything dodgy I will use my newgroups acount. With this being the case I very rearly have and problems with my pc such as viruses, spyware etc.
Now on saturday morning I turned my pc on after being out on the drink on friday night to discovery lots of new icons on my desktop for some security software which turns out to be spyware, even as I type this i'm getting things popping up asking if I want to meet young girls in my area :)

All I want to do is to stop him from clearing the history. If he knows he cant do that then he wont go on the porn, plus it not only clears the history but all my username's and passwords for sites such as this.
Is there anyway you can stop people from clearing the history in firefox? Maybe like a admin password or something.

If he had his own pc he could look at as much porn as he wanted but this is my pc which I look after and it has all my uni software installed which takes forever so its a pain if I have to format it.

Can you not get a net nanny program but for parents? :)

Thanks for your help
Just tell him to stop going on porn because it's *******-up your PC?

If he doesn't comply then change your login password. Job done.
Doorman80 said:
Right seems my dad has discovered the wonderfull world of porn on the internet......
:p Quality!

Maybe setup a restricted user account for him.
Spyware and viruses are much less likely to infect a non admin account, and he wouldn't be clearing your browser history when deleting his.
i know not many people would reccomend this but norton interent security package does a pretty good job at blocking sites that contain pr0n as i found out the hard way :rolleyes:
Have you tried just explaining to him that him looking at porn is damaging the computer? You could probably then teach him the art of finding porn without all the spyware and pop-ups.
xiphrex said:
Have you tried just explaining to him that him looking at porn is damaging the computer? You could probably then teach him the art of finding porn without all the spyware and pop-ups.

Using Google Images is not an art. ;)
xiphrex said:
Have you tried just explaining to him that him looking at porn is damaging the computer? You could probably then teach him the art of finding porn without all the spyware and pop-ups.

"Pops, this site is full of wonderful shaved brunettes. Have a good time . . . . "

;) :p
My ol' fella has to be the worlds worst when it comes to doing work on his computer. When you look at his history it just reads ... porn porn porn porn porn etc. Then there is the icons galore which appears on his desktop and taskbar, the amount of work that I have to do so that I can get it back to normal is unreal. And even after I've explained not what to do he still blames microsoft updates for downloading the filth :eek: :D I'm waiting on a call from him anyday now which will probably go something like this .....

Ol' fella ... Hi son, can you come over and look at my computer for me?

Me ... What's up?

Ol' fella ... It's running really slow and I get pop ups appearing as soon as I switch the pc on. Your mum will go mad if she see's them! It never used to do that until Microsoft updates updated itself.

Me ... Anything else?

Ol' fella ... Yeah, I'm getting £30.00 a month coming out of my bank account for some antivirus software that I bought from Spain but I haven't received anything yet.

Me ... Antivirus software from Spain? £30.00 a month? What's it called?

Ol' fella ... I dunno, but don't tell your mum about this okay? :rolleyes: :D
A restricted user account can still clear down the history. If you want to be able to stop him, change this registry key from a 0 to a 1

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