Stopping the old man looking at porn :)

think i'd be tempted to build him his own box to break as he sees fit :)

i mean, how expensive can a porn browser be?
c'mon fella's spec us a porn browser...
Here you are a browser spec

AMD Sempron 64 2600+ - £44.59
Asus Vintage AE1 Barebone - £64.57
OCUK Value Memory 256mb 3200 - £17.57
LG GCC-4522BB CDRW/DVD Combi Drive (Beige) - £16.95

Total - £143.68
sorry forgot the hard drive, yes i know im an idiot

AMD Sempron 64 2600+ - £44.59
Asus Vintage AE1 Barebone - £64.57
OCUK Value Memory 256mb 3200 - £17.57
LG GCC-4522BB CDRW/DVD Combi Drive (Beige) - £16.95
Maxtor DiamondMax Plus 8 40GB - £27.61
Total - £171.29

still not bad price for piece of mind
No offence, but you're mums probably a fair bit past her best, not the lovely shagable bit of stuff she was when they met. So you're dad is missing a bit of nice young ass, now i presume you dont want him to have an affair or anything, again no offence but he's probaly fay and ugly now anyway, so is it not relatively harmless for him to look at internet stuff at least you know where he is, i would try and keep it under control in a more subtle way, otherwise he'll get even more depressed.
Just make a few subte hints about the dodgy stuff and give a few general guidelines in a none obvious way

Anyway let me know how he gets on :eek: i for one have seen a website of a young lady frm wales who seems ery friendly and willing to please (just like wives used to be), youcan even log on to her sie and book a session, (cough: umm councelling session) she was even kind enough to go on tour visiting hotels that may be more convenient for her clients.... i mean patients. :eek: :eek: :eek:
Slam62 said:
No offence, but you're mums probably a fair bit past her best, not the lovely shagable bit of stuff she was when they met. So you're dad is missing a bit of nice young ass, now i presume you dont want him to have an affair or anything, again no offence but he's probaly fay and ugly now anyway, so is it not relatively harmless for him to look at internet stuff at least you know where he is, i would try and keep it under control in a more subtle way, otherwise he'll get even more depressed.
Just make a few subte hints about the dodgy stuff and give a few general guidelines in a none obvious way

Anyway let me know how he gets on :eek: i for one have seen a website of a young lady frm wales who seems ery friendly and willing to please (just like wives used to be), youcan even log on to her sie and book a session, (cough: umm councelling session) she was even kind enough to go on tour visiting hotels that may be more convenient for her clients.... i mean patients. :eek: :eek: :eek:

I dont mind him looking at it, just NOT on my pc. A browser pc is out of the question as he would never buy a pc and i'm certinly not paying for the bits.

He's got his own account now with is just called "Anyone Else" . To tell you the truth I think he'll get the hint once he see's the login screen.

Sod my dad give me the details to the above site!

Oh and like I said I already have a newsgroup account but i dont want him going near that as its to busy downloading my porn:)
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At the end of the day, dads (and i am one) are the same as they were when they were younger except most are a bit flabier (and wrinkly), so even if you think your old dad isnt interested in .... he sure is he just has to behave in front of the kids and especially the wife, the only thing wrong that your dads doing is messing up your pc, as you have quite reasonably pointed out.

The thing is though, if he thinks you know, he may or may not be embarassed and lose self esteem so go easy, dads have to put up with lots of stuff that completely restricts their lives and have to behave like mr perfect all the time and to be honest we need to let our hair down plus we've probably only just discovered the internet.

All comments about your parents were not meant for them in particular at all, just your typical middle aged parents (like me)
To some extent the stuff that appears on the internet is too readily available
but that would mean internet sensorship which would be bad

Please dont take to much of my posts, i'm just lamenting my own position. ;)
what about using a customised hosts file that has all the usual smut sites pointing back at

there is a good free one at

you can switch it on and off as well if the need takes you ;)

install it and then tell your dad he has irretrievably screwed things up on the pc and only safe sites will work...

worth a try
get a keylogger that loads at startup on his account, he may be able to delete his history but he'll never know about the logger (until you print it off and leave it lying where he will find it!) :D
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