Slam62 said:No offence, but you're mums probably a fair bit past her best, not the lovely shagable bit of stuff she was when they met. So you're dad is missing a bit of nice young ass, now i presume you dont want him to have an affair or anything, again no offence but he's probaly fay and ugly now anyway, so is it not relatively harmless for him to look at internet stuff at least you know where he is, i would try and keep it under control in a more subtle way, otherwise he'll get even more depressed.
Just make a few subte hints about the dodgy stuff and give a few general guidelines in a none obvious way
Anyway let me know how he gets oni for one have seen a website of a young lady frm wales who seems ery friendly and willing to please (just like wives used to be), youcan even log on to her sie and book a session, (cough: umm councelling session) she was even kind enough to go on tour visiting hotels that may be more convenient for her clients.... i mean patients.
Sinque said:To me that post sounds offensive, intrusive and scary.![]()
Neon said:cut his penis and balls off, and tell him to have fun.
MNuTz said:get a keylogger that loads at startup on his account, he may be able to delete his history but he'll never know about the logger (until you print it off and leave it lying where he will find it!)![]()
i know nothing said:No what you want is a program so when you start up the machine you see a splash screen that says "Internet History Logger"....."Now starting...."
Doorman80 said:Own account it is then. He'll prolly get the hint when he see's he has to log in now.
Radiation said:Make a list of relatively safe sites and put it somewhere he's likely to come across.![]()
Doorman80 said:I dont want him coming arcoss anything, and if he did I certainly wouldnt be cleaning it up.
You've sure mastered this 'humour' thing.Zefan said:Nuke him from orbit with firey ovaries.