Any feedback on whether these are any good or not yet?
I'm chillaxing in Cuba next month and the wife is badgering me to buy another Kindle for poolside reading, but I'd rather get a cheap Droid tablet if it's any good.

If you just want it for reading get a cheap ereader. Or look at the scroll extreme it's got the same specs apart from 8gb storage and a bigger battery for less money.
Has Anyone from overclockers seen this tablet work with googleplay ?
also would kindle app work with this?
also whats better between the elite and the extreme?
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Want it for browsing, watching video & reading mostly. Ideally Android will feel snappy too.
But no Google play would be a deal breaker for me.

I bought the 7" mostly for use as an e-reader.

It's fine honestly. Google play works fine, too easy to enable. Android is not feeling snappy on this device for me, it's tolerable though but not as close to being as fast as my Galaxy S2, might be better on the 9.7 with the extra RAM. I'm enjoying it so far, watched the England game on it, quite nice :)

Edit: Quick tip, replace the stock launcher with something else, I'm using Apex from the Play store, and it is much smoother.
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Android is never going to be as snappy on this device as it will be compared to the likes of the Asus or Galaxy rivals since they have dual core processors and ICS (android 4.0) is designed for dual cores.

This is still an Epic device for the price though I will buying one soon!
In a thread about a £199/£89 tablet you state
Got the Ipad3 instead.
What relevance does that have at all unless you are suggesting you got an iPad instead of a Storage Options tablet in which case you are drawing a comparison.
Unless, of course, you just thought you'd tell everyone you have an iPad so we're impressed?
Confused either way. :confused:

Still, looking forward to playing with my tablet tomorrow after it has charged. :D
In a thread about a £199/£89 tablet you state What relevance does that have at all unless you are suggesting you got an iPad instead of a Storage Options tablet in which case you are drawing a comparison.
Unless, of course, you just thought you'd tell everyone you have an iPad so we're impressed?
Confused either way. :confused:

Still, looking forward to playing with my tablet tomorrow after it has charged. :D

I asked this question to overclockers staff,
Has Anyone from overclockers seen this tablet work with googleplay ?
also would kindle app work with this?
also whats better between the elite and the extreme?

which i had no reply...
so my reply was...Got the Ipad3 instead.

Ive been looking at cheap tablets all week for the wife.
32gb motorola zoom £250 and a 250gb Archos 1.5ghz turbo for £258 which are good price, but wasnt convinced when i looked in the shop at all Tablets compared to Ipad3,also after looking at every review on youtube every report said the same ,even the Ipad2 came out tops,and that included the samsungs.
After a week of constant searching i got fed up and took the easy option to pay for something that i knew would be good..my choice,

Now thats comparing but you dont need to know that because you already know.
Making a statement Got the Ipad3 instead isnt comparing:confused:
You get what you pay for enjoy your Tablet,i expect its good for the moneys...mmm still might buy the xoom...
Just finished having a muck around with this tablet and Ive got to say I like it.
Nice enough looking screen which is nice and responsive, occasionally a tiny bit laggy but nothing too noticeable.
Kindle app and Google market working just fine (using my existing Google account), and the Opera mobile browser makes the web a better place than the stock browser.
Overall, I think this is a stonking tablet FOR THE PRICE and I'm a happy bunny.
Of course there are better out there, but I couldn't justify buying them when I own PC, laptop and Droid phone already.
Thumbs up! :cool:
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