Strange surnames?

My housemate's surname is Sweetlove. We enjoy getting odd looks from people as we yell across to him 'Oi Sweetie!' :p
Chronos-X said:
I took a call from Ms. Clitstone once.. petrified :o

Oh god I bet you were :eek:

When I get a customer in with a strange surname, I've got a hard job to try and stop myself from laughing in front of them. It's very hard sometimes,as I've heard some real belters, trouble is I've forgotten them now.

There was an elderly lady we had in last year and her surname was Twentymen. I wanted to say "Have you really had that many husbands ??"

I was then told not soon after that I had to deliver her TV out to her, so I had to keep my gob shut.
Damn........Ive got some classics lined up......having worked for a very large power company in switzerland, our global phonebook used to have the greatest names in. I still have the screenshots, but Im not sure I should display them due to the Lotus Notes contact information shown.....anyway, hope you enjoy these, here goes:

Juergen Wanka
Brigitte Muff
Helmuth Bumberger
Anythony Bytheway (my favourite)
Franz Titz
Georges ******
Sally Poon

I swear on my life that they are not made up :D :D :D


Technically these can't be classed as swearing.....can they? I will remove if they are.
What makes me laugh is when someones surname is "Fitzgerald" I don't know I just find it really funny.

Anyone know of a Richard Head ?? I think anyone with that name will get a lot of mickey taking.
Behemoth said:
Anyone know of a Richard Head ?? I think anyone with that name will get a lot of mickey taking.

theres a guy buried next to my uncle, called Richard Clarke Head. I always pay respects to the guy when Im there cos he must have got some stick. RIP.
Oh yeah I totally forgot this one, before my family moved out of our house in a small village our neighbor was called Mrs. Golly.
One of my team had a Miss Dong on the phone the other day, I found it that amusing that I took a photo of it;



I've spoken to a Mr Grocock before too.
Oracle said:
Used to work with a bloke called Richard Mycock! I used to steal his business card as my mates never believed me!

Dick mycock!, good one.

Good job my parents had second thoughts and christened me with a different first name as my surname is Mycock and my middle name is Richard.

Ive had loads of stick during the school years but for the past 20yrs since being employed it hadsnt really been a issue.
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