Stranger Things (Netflix)

What exactly was the point in the whole "El's mum and Kali" arc? The only thing I got out of it was Kali taught El to think angry took a hell of a lot of effort and build up for that little thing, and kind of felt like a waste of El's mum, Kali and that whole backstory.

Other than that I did really enjoy it. They really have a knack for writing likeable, unique characters, and capturing the whole 80's "kids on an adventure" movie feel.
Binged series 2 over the weekend and absolutely loved it!

Being a massive Alien franchise fan it was great to see Burke/Dr.Owens and all the blindingly obvious Aliens references - I chuckled at, "stay frosty" :D :D :D

Spoiler - do not read unless season 2 finished.
I know the two are totally unrelated but it was quite satisfying to see "Burke"/Dr. Owens redeemed. I honestly thought Paul Reiser had been cheesily typecast but maybe he's not so bad after all. :D

..or are we in for a double-cross next season?

Great season wrap-up. Very happy with that for now. :)
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We binged it this weekend too, loved it. Episode 7 was a little out of place or rather not a full episode worthy, but still good.
I'm trying to savour season 2 a bit more than the binge fest I did for season 1. Just finished episode 4.

Ahhh! That little pollywog thing is a baby demogorgan?! KILL IT!!! KILL IT WITH FIRE!!!
Sessioned it with the Mrs on Friday.

Enjoyed it for the most part, though there where definitely slow moments and I felt some of the side stories where entirely pointless and uninteresting.

Episode 7 was honestly one of the worst pieces of television I've seen in a very long time. I couldn't get over how poorly paced it was and the script was just awful. I think it was made worse by the fact that the ending to episode 6 was so strong.

I have to say, I thought Elevens character was done a huge disservice throughout. I felt her scenes, whilst well acted, where some of the dullest we've had so far.

Overall, I felt it's big moments where far better then any in season 1 but it's structure was a lot limper. There where characters introduced that I felt added next to nothing to the story and it's pacing was so far off sometimes that I actually got a little bored.

Still, the endings to episode 3, 6 and the big 'spy' twist ALMOST made up for any problems I had with the season overall.
What exactly was the point in the whole "El's mum and Kali" arc? The only thing I got out of it was Kali taught El to think angry took a hell of a lot of effort and build up for that little thing, and kind of felt like a waste of El's mum, Kali and that whole backstory.

Other than that I did really enjoy it. They really have a knack for writing likeable, unique characters, and capturing the whole 80's "kids on an adventure" movie feel.
The Kali arc could be setting up the next season. With how S2 ended I wonder if S3 will still be in Hawking.
Sessioned it with the Mrs on Friday.

Enjoyed it for the most part, though there where definitely slow moments and I felt some of the side stories where entirely pointless and uninteresting.

Episode 7 was honestly one of the worst pieces of television I've seen in a very long time. I couldn't get over how poorly paced it was and the script was just awful. I think it was made worse by the fact that the ending to episode 6 was so strong.

I have to say, I thought Elevens character was done a huge disservice throughout. I felt her scenes, whilst well acted, where some of the dullest we've had so far.

Overall, I felt it's big moments where far better then any in season 1 but it's structure was a lot limper. There where characters introduced that I felt added next to nothing to the story and it's pacing was so far off sometimes that I actually got a little bored.

Still, the endings to episode 3, 6 and the big 'spy' twist ALMOST made up for any problems I had with the season overall.

See in spoiler tags..

I think they put it in as a sort of build up to season 3. Everything else is so on point that I cant believe they put in this episode for no reason. We finally meet Mama, we know there are other girls out there. Mama's carer is very shady. I thought it was an interesting episode even if it seems completely out of place.
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