Stranger Things (Netflix)

I think the first week or two, people would spoiler any actual chat about it, right? Probably reasonably safe for a little while :)
I'm hoping it's decent, my only concern is they're older, have they lost some of that childhood innocence which (for me at least) made it more enjoyable to watch?
Its real good, anybody else think they use strobing effects far too often though? I'm sensitive to it so it annoys me, stupid complaint though, the series is brilliant.
So soilers here. Just seen the first two episodes and was grinning throughout. They were both excellent with enough 80s content all over the shop (bounce sheets! Remember those?!)

It was great to see the cast back.
3 episodes done for season 3 tonight, not a patch on S1 and S2 so far, getting a little bored, pretty slow start (can't say to much), need some action and dark powers badly. S1 and S2 blew me away, fell in love with it totally being an 80s child, but this just feels like they're stretching it and filling S3 so far with a lot of pointless fluff. They've changed the focus and it hasn't worked for me personally.
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[no spoilers]

Enjoyed the first episode, it's an adjustment to get used to them being more teenager-y, rather than tweens, but it was pretty good. Agree it's a slow start, with teen life taking more of the stage than the usual Stranger Things monster stuff. Loving the Mike's Mom and Billy stuff - that's ****'s hot!
I'm hoping it's decent, my only concern is they're older, have they lost some of that childhood innocence which (for me at least) made it more enjoyable to watch?

Id say that's one of the themes I want this series to play with the most. The first trailer made it seem as though that was going to be the case.
Watch seasons 1 and 2 over the last few weeks and binged the entire season 3 over the last 24 hours or so. Love the mixture of 80s pop culture, great characters and the whole Stephen King/X-Files-type vibe.

Next bit in spoilers so I don’t get shot:

HUGE cliffhanger at the end - don’t be too eager to turn it off when the end credits first appear!
HUGE cliffhanger at the end - don’t be too eager to turn it off when the end credits first appear!

Going by that i would assume Hopper is still alive since you never actually seen him die, he just vanished in between scenes of the "cannon" being shut down. Could be 11's actual father as well i suppose.

Overall was better than Season 2, going by some of the articles online there could be another 2 seasons to go instead of the 1 that was expected.
Going by that i would assume Hopper is still alive since you never actually seen him die, he just vanished in between scenes of the "cannon" being shut down. Could be 11's actual father as well i suppose.
It can ONLY be Hopper surely - Joyce and Murray survived so there was no other American in the immediate vicinity who was unaccounted for. And his body was never shown, unlike the Russian scientists when the device blew up right at the start of episode 1.

I just think he’s too big a character for the writers to do a ‘Game of Thrones’ and kill him off ...
This was always style over substance (in terms of plot complexity) and relying on the 80s nostalgia so the third season is just more of the same so far, which isn't a bad thing.
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