Stranger Things (Netflix)

I really disliked the offshoot story with the Indian girl in Season 2. I felt her "gift" was far too overpowering and unbalanced the story a bit.

Still looking forward to this though.
It started to feel like a "Heroes" homage/rip-off during those episodes, rather than being part of the Stranger Things universe to me.
I really disliked the offshoot story with the Indian girl in Season 2. I felt her "gift" was far too overpowering and unbalanced the story a bit.

Still looking forward to this though.
From memory she was basically meant to be an indication of what Eleven could become as she gets older and her power increases, and possibly what she might become like if Eleven was without people she could trust to guide her/provide her with a home, it did feel slightly out of place, it was also a lead up to some of Eleven's history but I think there may have been bits cut.

The first of the books tells the history of the unit, how Eleven ended up there, what happened to her parents and the part Kali played.
I wouldn't be too surprised if Kali and some of the others from the unit's past end up making an appearance or having some influence on season 3 as so far I think we've only seen three or four of the 15+ test subjects and only one of the child test subjects.
Of the adults one of the others was able to predict the future to a degree or key events relating to himself and friends (no real details just a feeling), another was able to manipulate electricity and machinery, a third able to sort of see events relating to Season 1 and what would happen, and her mother from memory was seeing other things. The four of them became friends and worked together to try and get away from the unit and get kali out once they realised what was going on, so I wouldn't be surprised if at least two of them end up assisting in some way.

I just realised I'd completely missed the fact the second book was released at the end of last month, despite having pre-ordered it for the kindle back in March.
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From memory she was basically meant to be an indication of what Eleven could become as she gets older and her power increases, and possibly what she might become like if Eleven was without people she could trust to guide her/provide her with a home, it did feel slightly out of place, it was also a lead up to some of Eleven's history but I think there may have been bits cut.

I personally saw it as a cheap attempt at getting interest in a spin off show. I think it backfired quite spectacularly in that fors most people it's their most disliked episode across both seasons.
Yet to watch first episode of season three but isn't this the last season? I'm sure I remember directed saying it was just gonna be three part story.

I'm not googling as don't want spoilers
Yet to watch first episode of season three but isn't this the last season? I'm sure I remember directed saying it was just gonna be three part story.

I'm not googling as don't want spoilers
Best guess at this stage is 4 or 5 seasons. They've said something to that effect. This is definitely not the last, though.
Saw S3EP1 a little while ago (all of S3 went live 8am today) its more of the same really but in a good way & the budget they have at their disposal is more movie level than TV:) The level of 1980s detail & assured direction of the Duffer Brothers is very much on display here :D its also a little slower paced & takes it time so do not expect miracles from EP1 its a bit of a slow burner ;)
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