Stranger Things (Netflix)

Watched all this yesterday, better than season 1 and 2 and nice to actually find out more about 11 and what them bad things was all about in previous seasons.
Don't know how you binged that all in one go.

S1 was very good then it went bad 2, especially 3. Hopefully 4 redeems itself.
That is probably the strongest season of any tv show I’ve seen for a while. It just grabs you and never lets go.
only watched the first episode so far but its surprisingly good and very 'horror'.
Far better than S3 which i thought was garbage.
We binge watched the whole thing Friday / Saturday, really enjoyable and as others have sealed very graphic and more horror elements, roll on part 2!
we've watched it all last night and yeah it was watchable I wouldn't say it was amazing or anything.
I think the thing that didn't make me totally gel with the show was that the Children are written as if the character are written by children in a childs pov. Not how things really are.
A childish audience would lap this up but for the grown ups watching not so much as we have the been there done that not how it really was mindset now.
The production quality is really up there as one of the best I have ever seen.

Watched it with the missus over the past 3 days and cannot wait for the next bit in July.

My only complaint is the way the narrative keeps chopping and changing. It would have been better to have a whole LA episode, whole Alaska episode and a whole Hawkins for example instead of trying to do it all in real time. The Alaska side of it for example had no real benefit of having it all split up over several episodes.
Very good this is, just binged 5 episodes today. I absolutely loved Season 1, was a huge fanboy after it. But Season 2 was bad, Season 3 was even worse. But so far this is delivering and I'm so happy. Going to continue tomorrow night with the wife, can't wait.

And yes, I love how it's more gruesome.
The production quality is really up there as one of the best I have ever seen.

Watched it with the missus over the past 3 days and cannot wait for the next bit in July.

My only complaint is the way the narrative keeps chopping and changing. It would have been better to have a whole LA episode, whole Alaska episode and a whole Hawkins for example instead of trying to do it all in real time. The Alaska side of it for example had no real benefit of having it all split up over several episodes.

They tried that with Season 2 and that episode with the other number girl, everyone hated it. Personally I'm fine with the current style of storytelling but I'm quite used to media following several storylines.
They tried that with Season 2 and that episode with the other number girl, everyone hated it. Personally I'm fine with the current style of storytelling but I'm quite used to media following several storylines.

I hated it too but I think that was more to do with it being fresh characters and nothing really to relate to. The episode also came at a really critical point in the story line.
Surprised so many on here seem to be enjoying this season so much, I think it's laughably bad at times and easily the worst so far. Have 2 episodes left however so will wait till it's completed before I outline my thoughts.
Does the USA really have so many high school bullies, like every film and TV show.....:cry:

Also wynona Ryder is great :p
you didn't go to school in the 80s or 90s then I take it? even here in the UK bullying was rife, schools would often arrange fights between the 2 schools etc
you didn't go to school in the 80s or 90s then I take it? even here in the UK bullying was rife, schools would often arrange fights between the 2 schools etc
Yes, 80s, I don't really recall much bullying, though I wasn't small. Seems like the US shows always, always have the stereotypical gang of popular kid bullies is all. :cry:
you didn't go to school in the 80s or 90s then I take it? even here in the UK bullying was rife, schools would often arrange fights between the 2 schools etc
Ahh good old days. School vs School wars were fun :p
So was that an inhibitor chip (power dampener) in 001 that 11 took out?
Did the upside always exist or did 11 create it?

Season 1 still better
Just finished the first 7 episodes of season 4. Wow fantastic. Unable to binge due to time but what a tv show. Cannot wait for the two episodes on 01 July.
Am gonna go with 7.5/10 for the first half. Did think it dragged on a few side stories
The Mike, Will storyline didn't interest me towards the end and genuinely hated the Dustin GF story at her house. The basketball boyfriend hunt, grouping the town, satan cult etc again not that interesting
but it ended very well
I am assuming 001 didn't create the the Upside Down and just went there and became 'the general' for the Mindflayer - Although would have liked a bit more of the linkage between these two, the new 'bad' kinda felt a bit Mcguffiny until the reveal in the final couple of eps but did have my suspicions throughout the season

Enjoyed the new character Eddie a lot, really well integrated.

Think they need to kill off a main character, for me Steve would be the choice. The actor has got good big budget roles (Free Guy) and I think most people like his character so it would be very impactful, honestly thought Nancy would get home safe and then Steve would die being the last

Also screw Netflix for the 2 part season. The Covid blame doesn't hold up when the second half is released just over a month later. Just delay the first part for a couple of weeks and release it all in one, stop trying to save subscribers and move away as to why people subscribed in the first place.

Re Hoppper
found that interesting but very dragged out due to the scene in the trailer of him awaiting the Demigorgon (sp?) not arriving until the final ep - also wtf happened with his ankle magically healing?
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