Stranger Things (Netflix)

What a ride indeed.

Honestly they should just kill off Will such a useless characater now, nothing more than a glorified Geiger counter at this point.

"Not sure how a feel about Vecna being the main baddy, kind of preferred him as a lieutenant of the Mind Flayer. Kind of demystifies the upside down a little bit "

I disagree. Will has never been a main part of the show with viewing time, watch season 1 and he's not in the thing after episode 1.

I also however think he's an important part of defeating vecna with what's to come. He will get his time, though do feel you some what with this season being a bit meh for his story. He fancies Mike. It gets built up. Mike doesn't realise. Big woop.
It had to be vecna as the main "baddie" really, as the upside down is a snapshot of Hawkins the moment he pretty much went into the upside down. Seems the place has been built that way due to him. No idea why, I don't feel whatever explanation they gave in these last 2 episodes, explained the reason that time doesn't move in the upside down and that it was a snapshot of that exact moment in time
Easily the best TV I've watched recently (S4 as a whole), runs rings around anything Disney have put out. Surprising too given I really wasn't that hyped about it after S2 and S3. I only started watching it earlier this week on a whim and finished EP7 on Thursday, worked out incredibly well.

Wasn't perfect by any means, but I'm very much willing to let them slide given how much I enjoyed it overall.

Wasn't a huge fan of how quick the 'Two days later' transition happened. I'd have preferred if we saw the weary group leaving the upside down and regrouping after their 'victory'. I'm actually fine with Max living, if you can call it that, as it sets up some potentially interesting plot lines that don't involve her just coming back to life and being fine. The whole Russian plot seems pointless too but I'll withhold judgement until S5 is finished.
Enjoyed it but that last episode dragged and I got frustrated by the fact that no one had a sense of urgency.

Some characters deserve killing off more than others that's for sure.
Ep 8 was great, but E9 dragged a little, especially the "2 days later" :(

Called Eddie dying and he would do so doing something 'heroic', but disappointing that even though he was a hero, the whole town think of him as a Satan worshiping murderer.

Not sure how i feel about Max. It was like, "OMG, she's going to die!" "OMG she died! Wow no-ones safe". "Oh wait, she's back". It was sad and a fitting end, so i din't mind her dying, but then she came back and i was ok with it. Strange one!

Everyone sort of got their stories wrapped up, except for Steve.

and winona ryder - top bod!
they return to town in midst of the carnage, a news reader tells a story of helfire club and ritual killings yet the entire helfire club, minus Eddie, are just casually wandering about doing a bit of good for the community.

You'd think max in hospital with snapped arms and legs and in a coma might have got some police attention lol.
That was awesome TV :).

One of my favourite bits was:

Eddie playing Metallica - Master of Puppets on top of the cabin to attract the bats. Really added to the pace.
Dunno about the last ep myself, maybe it's because everything was built up so well last few episodes, but I just came away kind of deflated. As someone says above where is the bloody urgency? Everyone just seemed to want to talk about it at length before giving it ago. They finally got the chance to strike and it was pathetic lol. The 2 days later bit felt really strange, like they should be more in shock or just struggling to deal.
Hope next season comes quick and we can see 011 really fly...Still better than most things I've watched in recent times
A lot of gushing in here, I'm surprised given how heavy it was filled with redundant conversations at inopportune times between people you don't care about. For me that's almost the entire cast, there is little to no substance to any of them, they are shells playing out a destiny. Possibly the worst character development I've seen in a highly acclaimed show (Yellowstone not far behind).

Except 001. His story is the only one that's been interesting, for obvious reasons.

I like the adventure they're on, I like the sci-fi, I like the world they've built, I like the style and the music. Just severely let down by shoving such bad attempts at character building and relationships in your face for what is a giant portion of the runtime.

I don't wanna rag on the plot points, as cookie cutter as they were (make the hero lose their powers, split them up for the majority of the screen time, etc) as long as they follow through on the next season with what they've set up. However I'm concerned they will simply negate it all with some cheesey loophole and then spend the time just hunting vecna before he opens again. I hope I am wrong.

S4 could have been half as long if they'd kept it to small talk / banter. Give me a 2x speed option in NF so I can burn through the tedium and I'll be happier.
A lot of gushing in here, I'm surprised given how heavy it was filled with redundant conversations at inopportune times between people you don't care about. For me that's almost the entire cast, there is little to no substance to any of them, they are shells playing out a destiny. Possibly the worst character development I've seen in a highly acclaimed show (Yellowstone not far behind).

Except 001. His story is the only one that's been interesting, for obvious reasons.

I like the adventure they're on, I like the sci-fi, I like the world they've built, I like the style and the music. Just severely let down by shoving such bad attempts at character building and relationships in your face for what is a giant portion of the runtime.

I don't wanna rag on the plot points, as cookie cutter as they were (make the hero lose their powers, split them up for the majority of the screen time, etc) as long as they follow through on the next season with what they've set up. However I'm concerned they will simply negate it all with some cheesey loophole and then spend the time just hunting vecna before he opens again. I hope I am wrong.

S4 could have been half as long if they'd kept it to small talk / banter. Give me a 2x speed option in NF so I can burn through the tedium and I'll be happier.

Why have you watched 4 series of something you clearly seem to hate.
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