Street Fighter (SFIV, SSFIV, HDR)

so many random dps :)

anyway i just got a new internet, it should be 20% better now. anyone for a few games before the apprentice?
Just had a Guile v Balrog session with Rav, well played mate. Never had so many Double KOs in one short session!
Cav has not played in ages - too right :(

I miss this game... but TOTALLY out of practice.
I am keeping my eye on this thread. My affinity for this game will never die of course :)

Will have to make time to get some practice in once again, but after my last string of games, I cant help but feel in some ways that my game could be affected as a result of the PS3 versions game lag and also this inherent input frame lag compared to the Xbox360 version.

Adz - Will definitely have ourselves a mirror match at some point :)
You won't be affected by the 1 frame of extra input lag, you don't do any combo's, let alone 1 frame ones!

Says the man who constantly makes a point of not playing/avoiding or the PS3 version because it 'messes up his game' :p

And anyway, its not necessarily combos that are only affected, input lag/net lag still can mess special move timings as well (despite the games leniency in some special move instances).

And anyway, who says I dont combo? cr.lp is not the only Guile combo! (as Im sure you are more aware than I am :D)
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I am trying to entice Cav into playing again by posting up some videos of me using Guile :p Ravs Balrog thrashed my Guile the first time we played, this time it was much closer though and I am enjoying the change from Ryu. I even feel I could try learn another charge char now. Cav hit me up anytime you wanna play, you need to get back into this! :)
I am trying to entice Cav into playing again by posting up some videos of me using Guile :p Ravs Balrog thrashed my Guile the first time we played, this time it was much closer though and I am enjoying the change from Ryu. I even feel I could try learn another charge char now. Cav hit em up anytime you wanna play, you need to get back into this! :)

Im in man... im so in... let me put it this way... I havent even downloaded that tournament patch that was released ages ago... and Ive been out well before that released patch... so that gives you an idea...

Possibly Friday night man...
Add me on Bev if you want some games before Kreeeee gets on, you on the 360?

Yeah on the 360 mate. I only play as cammy and use the pad so if i pull a move off successfully theres a good chance im having a stroke or some sort of attack myself.

Whats the gamertag im putting in?
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