Street Fighter (SFIV, SSFIV, HDR)

Adz, your vid has gone too :D Youtube on a rampage!

I noticed, quite a few funny ones with special sound effects on there now but they are getting taken down just as quick as they are going up lol.

BTW if you still intend on playing ssf4, get on the 360! You need to play meansfgamer. He has a REALLY good Guile! Whooped me 3 nil in the league. He wouldn't dare risk using Ryu against me though. :D
I noticed, quite a few funny ones with special sound effects on there now but they are getting taken down just as quick as they are going up lol.

BTW if you still intend on playing ssf4, get on the 360! You need to play meansfgamer. He has a REALLY good Guile! Whooped me 3 nil in the league. He wouldn't dare risk using Ryu against me though. :D

Is no one using the PS3 version? Why the migration to 360? (anything to do with this frame lag issue many many months ago?)

Was contemplating getting a 360 :)
Is it just me or is xbox live a lagfest this days? I've done speed tests and ping tests on my connection and they are always fine but when I go to play I swear 75% of the games I play are laggy.

Oh it's not just me then! I was going nuts this weekend. Completely unplayable.
Last night I played (and lost 23 matches in a row :p ) with Madbeats and had quite a few games with Vian_Siu and didn't really have any lag apart from 1 lag spike close to the end.

Edit: Is anyone getting SSF4 on the 3DS? I am just for when I am stuck travelling or in hotels for work.
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I'm considering SSf4 for the 3DS, it might be easier than wiring up an xbox to my monitor at lunch times.

I'll be wiring an arcade stick up to the 3DS at some point. It looks very easy to do.

lol. lunch time pull out your pocket size 3DS and your mammoth fightstick :)
According to Eventhubs and Shoryuken, Evil Ryu will be officially unlocked in SSFIV AE this Friday. No word on Oni though.

May have to go and check this out at Casino.
Nice! I like using both Ryu and Akuma, so thats my new char right there with U2. :D Just hope you can FADC into it...
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