Street Fighter (SFIV, SSFIV, HDR)

Ggs meansfgamer and zid. Been awhile since I played you zid, that akuma is just brutal! I tend to use more 'hit and run' tactics with the odd demon thrown in, and it works quite often, even against guys far better then me :p Gonna watch some of those replays back and try out some of them combos, I think meansfgamer will agree some of those rounds you took were just savage!
A few games from a good player named Tenshiiii I played today. Probably had the best Dudley I've played against. I am proud of my come back in the first match :P

I will also be posting some epic battles against HyV's Dan very soon :D
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Looks like Super Street Fighter 4 : Arcade Edition on Consoles will be released on 24th June according to Eurogamer. I wonder of it will be an exact port or will some rebalancing have been done.

Ae as it stands it a pretty imbalanced game.

I don't know about that. Remember when street fighter 4 first came to consoles and everyone was saying that Seth and Gouken should be banned? Give the game some time and I think that when people really find out how to fight Yun/Yang they might not seem as good.
Fei however could do with a damage nerf at least.
Nah, super has pretty good game balance and AE fails compared to that.

Who on Earth was saying Gouken/Seth should be banned? It was just one idiotic gamestop tournament organiser who said that iirc.
There were a few people saying they should be banned, and at a few places Seth was banned for a while.
I still think that ae needs more time before people say it's unbalanced.

None of it was because of game balance considerations, it was because idiots as games stores just blindly banned who they deemed to be "boss" characters.
As more and more new charcters come in Chun-Li feels more and more slower. a lot of the characters now are crazy fast :(

They need to re-balance her, maybe make her more 3rd Strike ;)
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