Street Fighter (SFIV, SSFIV, HDR)

I'll have to play you again. Would like to see you do that.

Show us a video of you doing it 10 times in a row!

Damned you both :D Er as to doing it 10 times.. er sure! :p

(In fairness though Kreeee actually said can you combo into and I said yea, but I was trying to be a bit sneaky by claiming that I can combo into it after a Sonic Flash :D)

But in all honesty, I have not bothered to do any practice or training with Guile. And no I cannot do the FADC into U2, but part of that is because I have not been trying at all.

Infact I have literally played very little games on my PS3 recently, even when MvC 3 arrived I just played it the once After that I didnt get a chance to play it (shows how much I have been playing beatemups :()

I have a feeling I will be able to pull this off now though (yes FADC into U2).

Infact, I will have a go tonight :)

My BnB crlk, crlp, crmp into anything combos Ive got down fairly well.

EDIT: Aha ninja edit there by K to include the FK FADC U2 :) You twigged ;)
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anyone will try to get good with a character outside of their current main after ae comes out?

i for one will try to get good with makoto, because of her touch of death combos and oni, because he looks like a unique chav character. i will drop chun li as i got bored with her now...or just stand back, turtle, poke other guy to death in general.

I will most likely be playing ryu, evil ryu and Yang in ae.
Thats fine with me.

GGs earlier Vian. I got Supercade, but how on earth to do you bind buttons, do you have challenge someone first?

yeah you have get into a game first. because you have map buttons individually for each game. my net died in our last game sry
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