Street Fighter (SFIV, SSFIV, HDR)

Vian, if I install the mod, will I be able to connect to others in ranked/endless mode if they haven't installed it? I only sign on once in a while for a few games. I was surprised by how many people are still playing this on the PC, I was finding games very quick. I don't want to install it if it means I can only play against you guys who probably won't ever be online (or playing mvc) when I'm on!

Oh, anyone playing this on the PC add me on:
Vian, if I install the mod, will I be able to connect to others in ranked/endless mode if they haven't installed it? I only sign on once in a while for a few games. I was surprised by how many people are still playing this on the PC, I was finding games very quick. I don't want to install it if it means I can only play against you guys who probably won't ever be online (or playing mvc) when I'm on!

Oh, anyone playing this on the PC add me on:

you can connect but it wont play properly and you will get disconnected. so use the backup when you pay randoms. also mvc for life:)
Capcom won't be able to afford to pay for another Marvel license any time soon. :(

SFV will be release 2020. SF4 will get one more version to eek it out a little more.

Any of you still talk to this guy? Just a bit crazy seeing somebody who was a part of the community on here so mainstream in the FGC now.

I still play and beat him quite often.

I wish :p On a serious level though, he's a top player. I remember him starting off with Oni and he seems to have gone through the roof with him. Top top player and very humble too, never use to rage the odd time I did fluke a win against him. I'm sure some of the guys on here still play him on xbox live? I only game on the PC these days, and although games are easy to find the quality of opposition is nowhere near as good as on xbox.
Yeah, OMH has started playing offline as well. Goes up to the SFO tournaments in Newcastle, always comes top 5.
Beast of an Oni, need to see him Vs Wao.

Hoping he is going to Hypespotting so I can play him offline.
Yeah gg adz, good to see the unblockable focus attacks and magic throws still work on PC :D

I shall show no mercy and play to win next time!
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