Street Fighter (SFIV, SSFIV, HDR)

Went to the SF tourney at Play Expo, saw some really high level play. I won my first game then lost the nexttwo, lost tto a Fei. He was aging very safe standing far screen, when I got close he was mashing lp ams lk. I could only get near when I had Ex. I should have done better but yet again I rushed it.

Was good seeing you Rob, shame we didn't have any casuals though.
There is no shame losing to Neville Benshew mate. His Fei is solid.
He got very far through losers. It's also odd playing him because he sits on the floor, don't know why but it does. lol.

It was a shame we couldn't get any casuals in, we'll have to FT5 at the next one.
Had an awesome weekend there though.
I'm more annoyed as to how I lost, was rushing in trying to get it over with lol I have a bad habit of doing that, tell you what though I was playing online last night and was bodying people left right and center. All this offline play has improved my game a lot. You did really well, after seeing loads of strong Cammys I might try and learn her.

What did you think of the Expo overall? Was pretty meh for me, loads of "retro" (i'd say junk) and only a few new things like AC4 on PS4 and the Oculus Rift.
Patience is a thing you will learn with offline play, do the MBA have offline sessions other than their tournaments? If so I would recommend going along to them!
There were quite a few Cammys at the Expo, but you will notice that not many of them got very far. Cammy is godlike online, but much easier to beat offline.

Did you meet BSC Savage? (his Abel is on stream against Jinty's Ken) He has a load of Abel Options Selects and tech.

I was disappointed with the lack of "new" stuff at the Expo. I had a go on AC: BF and Mario Kart 8 (which was good) but everything else was just retro. Had a good sesh on the 3rd Strike cabs, couple of the guys were so good. One guy got a 30 game win streak. Certainly not sorry I only bought a day pass.

You going to start coming to more offline events now then?
Patience is a thing you will learn with offline play, do the MBA have offline sessions other than their tournaments? If so I would recommend going along to them!
There were quite a few Cammys at the Expo, but you will notice that not many of them got very far. Cammy is godlike online, but much easier to beat offline.

Did you meet BSC Savage? (his Abel is on stream against Jinty's Ken) He has a load of Abel Options Selects and tech.

I was disappointed with the lack of "new" stuff at the Expo. I had a go on AC: BF and Mario Kart 8 (which was good) but everything else was just retro. Had a good sesh on the 3rd Strike cabs, couple of the guys were so good. One guy got a 30 game win streak. Certainly not sorry I only bought a day pass.

You going to start coming to more offline events now then?

Defo! Hope the one in Leeds goes ahead I'll be there for sure. Any idea where in the 5 hour stream BSC Savage is?

EDIT: Found it at 54mins in
Proximity Blocking

A really good explanation:

-opponent whiffs normal within blocking proximity, which forces the crouch block out of you (an "action")
-the game says "oh, you're doing an action. but wait... we have something else in the input buffer. it's an Ultra. The ultra 'action' takes priority over the crouch block 'action' so we're gonna send the Ultra out"
- if no proximity block occurs (no "action") your Ultra does not come out because you input the command during the animation of your previous move, so you didn't actually complete it. only the forced proximity block completes the "action" of the buffered Ultra.

Will be trying QCF QCF DB + PPP with Abel Ultra 1 tonight :cool:
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red focus I could have put up with (pick a character with decent armour breakers), but delayed wake up is pretty much going to ruin the game. Get in do you damage, retreat, repeat. Time Out City! safe jump? Nahh!
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