Patience is a thing you will learn with offline play, do the MBA have offline sessions other than their tournaments? If so I would recommend going along to them!
There were quite a few Cammys at the Expo, but you will notice that not many of them got very far. Cammy is godlike online, but much easier to beat offline.
Did you meet BSC Savage? (his Abel is on stream against Jinty's Ken) He has a load of Abel Options Selects and tech.
I was disappointed with the lack of "new" stuff at the Expo. I had a go on AC: BF and Mario Kart 8 (which was good) but everything else was just retro. Had a good sesh on the 3rd Strike cabs, couple of the guys were so good. One guy got a 30 game win streak. Certainly not sorry I only bought a day pass.
You going to start coming to more offline events now then?