Street Fighter (SFIV, SSFIV, HDR)

Meh. This is really getting tiresome. I love Street Fighter but I'm getting sick of having to buy essentially the same game with minor fixes and balance changes which would be a free patch in any other game. Oh and a new character that's just a re-hash of an existing character. Yawn. SF4 is over 5 years old now. Where's the new Street Fighter?
I started playing SFIV recently.I'm playing with DS3 on my pc (motionjoy).
I have problems to pull off this moves Metsu Hadoken(ultra combo) Shinku Hadoken (super combo).On input it says Half-Circle Forward,so in-display training should it be arrow( down,Guard Low,forward) x2 and for MH all three punches and for SH L or H punch.
Is better play on d-pad or analog sticks? Is the timing most important in that or correct input(I mean no mistakes in double input)?Super combo uses EX meter,do I need all 4,and for UC is ultra meter only?ta
It is better on Dpad, when using an analog stick it takes longer to register down back / forward, so blocking is slightly delayed. But the Dpad is hell on the thumb :(
But quite a few top players play with analog stick so you can certainly get round the issue.

For supers you can press any button, less the 3xP/3xK, to activate it. With some characters the move properties change depending on the button used.
The correct input will be more important than timing. (to a degree)
Because if you do 236, 13 punch (instead of 236 236 punch) you will get shoryuken instead.

If you are struggling with Ultra, try ending at 9, towards up, because it will stop the shoryuken coming out.
I started train in challenge mode trail with Ruy and I can pull off now Metsu Hadoken,Shinku Hadoken.(not constantly,but now I know how they works)
What do you mean by 236 punch?(half circle forward?).
Trying to learn combos,but I got problem with HP+ Hadoken,I just can pass this in ch. mode,red few things about frame data,so I think I'm to slow?!
Sorry yeah. take directions to be the number on your keyboard numpad.

Sounds like you might be doing it too slow yeah.
start the QCF (quarter circle forward) as you are pressing the first Hard Punch.

One thing to warn about, the trials you are looking at are using the Super version frame data. So not all combos you learn will work when you are playing AE:2012.

Here's what the trials look like, admittedly VesperArcade does it on stick, but you might be able to see the timing:

EDIT: LODJIK how things been going mate?
Cheers for info guys,I was able to do combo HP+ Hadoken,but stock now on 6HP+ Shoryuken.It'd hard to get the timing right still after watching this video.(any tips for me?)
Why I haven't got Metsu Shoryuken in my command list?I've seen clips on youtube making this move?Shoryuken is 6236 or 636 Punch?
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Cheers for info guys,I was able to do combo HP+ Hadoken,but stock now on 6HP+ Shoryuken.It'd hard to get the timing right still after watching this video.(any tips for me?)
Why I haven't got Metsu Shoryuken in my command list?I've seen clips on youtube making this move?Shoryuken is 6236 or 636 Punch?

mate, no one in the known universe knows the timing for that, mash shoryuken until it comes out!

the actual input for shoryuken (normally shortened to dp - dragon punch) is: 623 + p

there are a couple of shortcuts.

In trial mode it will only give you the ultra required for that trial. if the trial doesn't include an ultra you will get U1.
If you are in training mode you will need to select the Ultra at the character select screen.
mate, no one in the known universe knows the timing for that, mash shoryuken until it comes out!

the actual input for shoryuken (normally shortened to dp - dragon punch) is: 623 + p

there are a couple of shortcuts.

In trial mode it will only give you the ultra required for that trial. if the trial doesn't include an ultra you will get U1.
If you are in training mode you will need to select the Ultra at the character select screen.

Pffft, you should be going for this:
f.hp > cr.hp x DP

Plink with mp/lp if you're not confident with 1 frame links.
Who's getting ULTRA at the stroke of midnight then? I need to renew my Live subscription first though, looking for deals unless someone can spot me a trial code for free ;)
I'll grab it if Capcom release it for next gen consoles at some point in the future, my brother is getting it though so I might pop up to his for a few sets just to see if it's worth the fuss.
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