Street Fighter (SFIV, SSFIV, HDR)

Lags like **** for me, and I keep getting Pro Fluke

Haha, you'll be on his stream! playing against fuerte online blows!

Why has DeeJay got 3 nerfs!!!

Good job I've finally moved onto a higher tier character, I'll miss embarrassing people by beating them with a **** character though.

Cos Cammy players were complaining that she had 1 bad matchup!

Who've you gone for Kreeeee, or is it secret tech?
Played couple hours last night, is it me or is faster? Maybe because I've been playing on my PC for long the 360 version seems faster?

Ken's DP recovery is insane, so is Balrogs Dirty Headbut Ultra. Notices Abels TT has shorter recovery too so that's good :) So far I'm on the fence about the changes, not seen any difference the way people play and no one has used delayed wakup or red focus yet.

I hate some of the new stages, the one with the luminous trucks and that one with guy banging his drum. Theres so much going on in the background and the colours do my head in! Also the new music is pants and annoying. Also the character animations on the ones are cheap, not smooth at all.
Red focus is hard to use in open play because you run the risk of using 2meters for nothing. In combos, as far as I can see, if it only useful for a ko.
EG combo -> RedFADC -> Ultra.
damage scaling is too high for it to be useful any other way.

I don't think people are using delayed wake up because they are unsure of how to activate it. I've had a lot of people ask about it.

I'm with you on the stages. the truck stop I lose 50% of health because I start watching what is going o in the background and the Dino stage is SO LOUD!
They nerfed my already bottom 5 character main, and all Combofiend has to say about it is that victories will feel even sweeter now!
Pretty meh tbh, the new characters are boring except for Rolento. Capcom have took a shortcut by just porting the SF x Tekken characters straight over. Look at Elenas animations they are really poor compared to the original cast.

It seems faster and more offensive which I like.
We need Street Fighter V. You can only recycle the same game so many times before people start to get tired of it, I ran a few sets yesterday at my brother's house and I won't be in any rush to go out and buy this. If the rumours are true of a PS4 version I would grab it but outside of that, I'll be looking toward GG XrD and MKX.
We need Street Fighter V. You can only recycle the same game so many times before people start to get tired of it, I ran a few sets yesterday at my brother's house and I won't be in any rush to go out and buy this. If the rumours are true of a PS4 version I would grab it but outside of that, I'll be looking toward GG XrD and MKX.

lol at MKX
it will take people a week to realize its still the same crap capcom is feeding them. if you get gg xrd on the ps4 drunzer, i will give you some game when i get my hands on it too :)
No its fine talking about other fighting games, MK isnt a fighting game ;-)

I liked MK9! Just the netcode was **** poor unfortunately, really had a lot of fun with Injustice too.

it will take people a week to realize its still the same crap capcom is feeding them. if you get gg xrd on the ps4 drunzer, i will give you some game when i get my hands on it too :)

You're on =) It's been a while.
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