Street Fighter (SFIV, SSFIV, HDR)

It won't, the PS3 pad driver implementation is within the game itself and not something officially supported by Sony. PS3 pads will never work on the XMB and you'll always need a PS4 compatible controller to launch the game (or the PS Eye voice commands).
Hmm so SF5 doesnt rely on triple punch/kicks for anything?

Anyone know if theres any information on building a PS4 fightstick - Ive got my old SF4 TE which I dont think will work on the PS4 so tempted to cannibalise a DS4 (or whatever the cheapest PS4 controller is) at some point. If the above is correct I could just be bad on a DS4 for the time being :) - when it comes to lag it isnt that bad Ive read.

ps3ud0 :cool:
Got in quite a few games last night. My internet could be better (Still need to upgrade to fibre) but even so the net experience was pretty solid overall. Had some very smooth games against UK, France and Germany players. Had some pretty awful games as well though. If the connection is good then it plays really well. If it's bad then it plays really bad (Loads of teleporting, rollback...etc).

Gameplay itself takes a bit of getting used to. Plays a lot different to SF4. Wasn't feeling it at first but it started to grow on me.
Complete lagfest for me, I only had 4 games so it may have been bad luck. Akuma hasn't been announced and Necalli wasn't available so I went with Bison, he's so different. I like him though, he's given up a lot of mobility but I think he hits much harder now.
I only had one game with any discernable lag, and that was just for a few seconds.
The netcode seemed very decent to me, unlike my fighting skills, which truly suck on a pad.
Kreee is the mod genius, however:
IMO you'll struggle with that mod.
no 3rd party teams have got around the PS4s security time out at the moment.
so you'd need a pad hack or similar to get it to PS4, then a similar for the xbox 1.
it wouldn't be neat or cheap.

Other options:
1/ Buy a CronusMax converter and put up with having to reset it every 8mins for PS4. all the other formats work fine.

2/ get a PS360+ board which will replace your current PS3 one and do the same as above but may require some soldering, but give you other older platforms as well.

3/ grab a Venom PS4 stick as a spare, fairly cheap @ £60/£70ish.
Kreee is the mod genius, however:
IMO you'll struggle with that mod.
no 3rd party teams have got around the PS4s security time out at the moment.
so you'd need a pad hack or similar to get it to PS4, then a similar for the xbox 1.
it wouldn't be neat or cheap.

Other options:
1/ Buy a CronusMax converter and put up with having to reset it every 8mins for PS4. all the other formats work fine.

2/ get a PS360+ board which will replace your current PS3 one and do the same as above but may require some soldering, but give you other older platforms as well.

3/ grab a Venom PS4 stick as a spare, fairly cheap @ £60/£70ish.

Thanks for this I have an old ps4 controller, never soldered before though.
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the pad hack isn't for the feint of heart, you would 100% need someone to do it for you!
Not sure if you have any modders up in Scotland though, will ask a few of the chaps though.
@Fueyfu and anyone else looking for adapters.
It looks like the best option comes from "Brook Adapters" you can find them on the bay. But the 360 to PS4 variant has the ps4 security chip inside so it doesn't time out.

They have different models for different conversions so it isn't an all in one solution, but probably the best atm:
I'm thinking of getting one of those to use my 360 sticks on my PS4. Question is are there a lot of people playing USF4 on PS4 online?

Not played online PS4 for a few months but when I was, it was easy enough to get a game and I play at some weird times due to work and family. Off this weekend so if no one else has posted by then I'll post current activity then.

On a side note got the new costumes for usf4 for twenty pence this morning when I got in from work. :)
Well i don't know what i was thinking, but i just dumped £70 for the Ultra pack on steam with a season pass for the PC. Ibuki was one of my two mains so i guess getting her off the bat will mean i get more time to get used to her before the crowd comes in.

Also apparently because i pre-order on steam i get the alt costume for Chun-Li (My other main) and get to join the Beta! I hope that it's still running

So for those also in the Beta i will be around from Sunday evening
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