Street Fighter (SFIV, SSFIV, HDR)

Ok after purchasing SFV from steam it seems like i have 3 Betas i can give out as gift for the PC

I'd like to give them out to people that will use them i can play with, so who's up?
There wasn't anymore planned, but ps4 users received an update labelled beta 4 the other day. Considering there is only 4 weeks until release it would be odd if there was another, but who knows.
i played a little bit in the first two beta. i kind of stopped playing because i just want to stay in training mode and it kept forcing me to play randoms.

i think i just going to start fresh and clueless on the 16th
Hope you're able to invite people from steam and vice versa to play in cross platform, be good to fight the old gang and have these tournaments again!
I hope Rashid is good. I'm gonna main him for obvious reasons
Rashid is pretty good, his mix ups were amazing, then got nerfed to heck in beta 2 when they realised they gave him unblockables.

We get one last beta this weekend, between 30st-31st. (unless you've been naughty and still have beta 3 :p )
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