Strep A

I'm impartial. I don't have any myself and probably won't have any, but I can certainly see the appeal, my mate's kids are fantastic at washing dishes.
Do you think they'd be up for a swap? Ours manages to make them dirtier than before they went in the bowl
I had scarlet fever when I was a kid which is caused by strep a. I was pretty ill for 2 weeks, went dark red head to toe and then my whole body peeled like I had bad sunburn!
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It doesn't need a vaccine I don't think. It's usually easily combatted with antibiotics I believe. But as ever it needs to be caught early as it can lead to more serious infection.

I personally feel it's a side effect of going back to being social and mixing, these sort of things would have been mild infections that would have come and go. However so much time apart young kid's immune systems haven't had the exposure to diseases that they would normally have done by now. That's just a theory of course.

As a parent of 2 under 10s I'm not particularly worried about this. Just keep an eye on them other than the usual colds and sneezes if anything worse happens we'd act on it.
A lot of experts being interviewed have said this. It’s due to loss of immunity to what were previously minor illnesses because of low social mixing over the past couple of years.
Talk of dishing out antibiotics like candy, can't wait for the resistant strains of the future :rolleyes:

Well that is a concern... But in this case if you genuinely have a bacterial infection isn't it the most sensible approach?

Though i agree our reliance on them will be our undoing.
Jesus here we go again..

Stop watching the news and live your life diddums is totally correct a lot of stuff was around when we were kids. Still here no one died.
Call me a cynic but I've never totally been convinced by what seems to be the government philosophy that it's ok for children to catch Covid as it's mostly mild for them - do we really know the medium or long term affects and or interactions with other viruses and infections

What the alternative is though I don't know they need to be in school but maybe more money could be spent on HEPA filtration etc
6 people out of 68 million died recently of it but the media would prefer us to be talking about it and scared.
Devastating for those six families I would think, but horrible things are always happening to someone, somewhere.
Re a link to social mixing causing this, haven’t we had no restrictions for over a year now?

edit, aha I see it’s part of the medical discussion.

As for “stop watching the news” some of us have the capacity to interpret and manage information on multiple interesting things over time.
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Interesting too that the .gov UK website is saying that they have seen an increase in severe illness from Strep A due to lower respiratory tract infections of it and that they are investigating further
Interesting too that the .gov UK website is saying that they have seen an increase in severe illness from Strep A due to lower respiratory tract infections of it and that they are investigating further

I’m no way qualified in this, so is that due to low immunity or another tyoe of covid dividend did they say?
Well we only got this far in humanity by getting illness and the body being immune.

Lockdown yes what a great idea that was..
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