STS-134 Shuttle Mission to the International Space Station Launches Monday 16th @ 13:56 BST

AMS on it's way:



Who said they were indestructible? No-one that I'm aware of. They're very special though - try finding something else you can heat to several thousand degress and then pick up with un unprotected hand while they're still glowing. :D

I'm pretty sure that's what they were coined originally, heard it on that Shuttle documentary on (BBC 4?) recently.

A bit behind simulatorman but still:

I like these recaps, especially good for people who don't obsess over this stuff like some of us do ;)
Flight Day 4 highlights:

The wakeup call for today was We All Do What We Can Do by Dan Keenan and the plan is:

Flight Day 5

• Spacewalk 1 by Feustel and Chamitoff (MISSE experiment retrieval and installation, ammonia jumper installation between Port 3 and Port 6 truss segments, Destiny lab wireless communications hardware installation)​

Spacewalk one is due to start around 08:16 (BST).
Its awesome some of the shots were getting back from the ISS today, it's just sorta hit me that the space shuttle is on its way out :( totally gutted and wish they gave the space industry the money it deserves.
I just regret so much that this is the first mission i've kept a close eye on, and the first launch i watched as it happened. If i thought i supported the space programme before then i was sorely mistaken ;)
I apologise this is not a shuttle vid, but it didn't really draw any comments from the big youtube vid, but this may be what we see taking astronauts to and from the ISS in the future?

Looks like one hell of a re-entry :D

Well worth watching, especially the feathering bit
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