Stuff you want.

Bass + bass pod xt - £600ish. - I'll have everything I need to record then, I use synthesised basses at the moment and it's not ideal.

300gb HDD - £80ish (or a bit less) - Because I really cannot (or dare to) survive with my 3 year old 60gb drive anymore!

4x12" Cab for my head with some celestion vintage 30 speakers - £400-600ish - Because my current cab is *** suxor.
penski said:
"Happiness is not having what you want.

Happiness is wanting what you have."

I'm happy. Are you?


Very much so indeed. I have a brilliant wife, a house, an old rattly but reliable Astra and a job. I don't need much else on this earth really in terms of material. Anything else is a bonus/timewaster.
I want a house and a car... though in my current financial position they won't be obtainable within several months to a year... I really don't want anything else! I've gone off gadgets altogether as they're just a waste of money (although I might change my mind when the Nintendo Wii comes out).

Hmm, how about I want a better body, therefore I'm going to buy a gym membership this week... Does that count! :)
Mac Pro:

* Two 3GHz Dual-Core Intel Xeon
* 2GB (4 x 512MB)
* ATI Radeon X1900 XT 512MB (2 x dual-link DVI)
* 500GB 7200-rpm Serial ATA 3Gb/s - a few, maybe 3 :p
* One 16x SuperDrive
* AirPort Extreme card (Wi-fi)
* Apple Keyboard & Mighty Mouse
* Mac OS X
* Apple Cinema HD Display (30" flat panel)
* Apple Cinema HD Display (30" LCD)

£5,867.02 - And thats a compromise, if I had it my way that'd be much higher. :)

Oak desk, modern ish stlye.
Swanky leather chair.
A place for all this (IE. A studio) ;)

Now to the real list. I have no idea why I want this stuff, as my stuff is pretty decnt atm.

24" widescreen monitor job - Maybe two, but SLI wouldn't like me for that. :p
Some decent speakers
New eclipse keyboard.

As this is a want list I feel no need to jusify where money would come from.

And, as mum would always say:

I wants, don't get!
I wouldnt mind a mess about car, such as an E39 540i, but its justifying it when i have a perfectly good company car.

I also wouldnt mind a digital SLR, again its justifying it, i'd use it maybe once or twice per year and still wouldnt understand its features.

Thats about it, i seem to have everything else :/
Xbox 360 with some games etc. -£300- Picking one up within a week or two

Decent Digital camera -£100- trip to hong kong with some mates and my camera is crap

Thats pretty much all I want at the moment :) Penski, you can be happy and still want something, just not need it to be happy.
New car but that's coming in a couple of weeks. Other than that, very little in the way of material possessions. I guess I'd really like a 30" Apple Cinema display, purely for work purposes of course ;).

I really need to find myself a woman though. That's the only part of my life that is seriously lacking at the moment.
Adz said:
I really need to find myself a woman though. That's the only part of my life that is seriously lacking at the moment.

I feel that pain. Perhaps I should go for it next time we meet. Shame I'm so damn shy.
Arcade Fire said:
I want to know that everything's going to be alright, in the end.

In the end, you'll be reabsorbed into the earth and your matter will take it's part in the ongoing cycle of the planet.

Stellios said:
-Black Peugoet 306
-A more sociable class at university
-More pay at work
-A fit lass to jump on top of me, right now!

306s are gay - get a proper car
Nerds are sociable, they just need a little persuasion
Impress your boss with your skill and charm... then threaten to leave
Can't help with the latter. Are you ugly?
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