Stulid Tested all of OcUK Thermal Paste Range

With the ambient temp not known and using the CPUs own temperature die I'm afraid I have to take your results with a pinch of salt.

Taking just the two bottom results suggest your ambient changed between the two, as suddenly the AK-455 performs better at load than idle than the other Akasa paste...

Someone needs to do this under lab conditions, i.e. constant room temp with the tests repeated 3-5 times and take an average to remove the possibility of bad mounting, etc.

Sorry :(
Good job in any case. Shame OcUK doesn't stock Thermalright Chillfactor III, or the Noctua stuff. Both good as well.

I agree though, since the margins are usually so small, you need good stable conditions. At least it gives a hint at the stuff that are a class apart from the rest. I like the Gelid, something to keep an eye on.

Seems relatively accurate, compared to other reviews. MX2 always well rated, Liquid Metal usually best, but crazy stuff. IC Diamond usually good, harder to apply, and requires more curing time than others. Another factor that affects results, sometimes dramatically.

EDIT : Well indeed, the Gelid GC-Extreme looks very well reviewed.
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I think one is missing. Where is CoolLaboratory Liquid Metal Pro Ultra?
It's supposed to be easier to work with than the original so it's definitely worth investigating.

I don't think PK-1 nano or MX-4 are worth it at all if MX-2 performs the same. I'm still wary of results though as many pastes need time to cure, especially Arctic Silver 5 and theres the possibility of significant variation between batches which was confirmed for MX-3.
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thanks good review, (even without ambient temps ;))
always went for MX-4. and also got a tube of ICD 24 carat from last years giveaway,
as i always thought, there is not much difference between the better pastes, price usuaully gets me to but 1 over the other.
my opinion is that without ambient temps it is very difficult to draw any kind of conlusion, and also goes some way to explaining why your ranking of results doesn't really match up with any other large roundup that does include ambient

most other results also do multiple mounts on each paste as well to rule out differences in application

having said that - most pastes being within 2-3 degrees of each other is pretty normal as CPU temp sensors are not all that accurate anyway
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Coming soon, an update:)

Picked up some mx-2 for £3.50 due to this thread. fingers crossed I get some decent results. :)

Should be stickied btw.
Updated the front page with Prolimatech PK-2 and PK-3 results.

Have also arranged graphs to show by score as requested.
Wow thanks for posting this

you mention you used a pea sized blob, and let the pressure of installing the cooler spread out the paste, I dont suppose you took pictures of how well it spread when you took the cooler back off?
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